Things You Wish You Knew
Youngstown State University
Office of the Provost
ACE (āc) - Association of Classified Employees
Bargaining unit affiliation for classified staff
APAS (ăp-ăs) - Association of Professional/Administrative Staff
Bargaining unit affiliation for professional staff
APC - Academic Programs Committee
Academic Senate committee that reviews all changes in undergraduate programs
ARP - Alternative Retirement Plan
An alternative plan in the State of Ohio. See CHAPTER 3305 of the Ohio Revised Code or contact Human Resources.
BCHHS - Bitonte College of Health and Human Services
BCOE - Beeghly College of Education
BRE - Business Related Expenses
Forms and Guidelines located on the Purchasing Policies and Procedures Website
CCAC - College of Creative Arts and Communication
CCP - College Credit Plus
This program run through Metro Credit offers YSU credit courses to local high school students through dual enrollment. Students may take courses at their high school or on campus to earn YSU credits.
CISP - Center for International Studies and Programs
Located in Jones Hall, Jef Davis, Director (x2336)
CLASS (clăss) - College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Concur - On-line system for requesting reimbursement for travel services.
CPC - College Promotion Committee
Representatives from the college elected to make recommendations on candidates for promotion in the college
CSP - Center for Student Progress
Located in Kilcawley Center
Becky Varian, Director (x1450)
CTAGs - Career-Technical Assurance Guides
Part of Ohio's Articulation and Transfer Policy whereby students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits from secondary education to college.
DARS (dărs) - Degree Audit Reporting System
Computerized analysis showing how coursework is applied toward degree completion
DAC - Dean’s Advisory Council
College committee that advises the dean
DFR - Director of Faculty Relations
Stephanie Smith (x1547)
DPC - Department Promotions Committee
Tenured members of a department who are elected to make recommendations on departmental candidates for promotion
eCube - Electronic Collegiate Unified Buying Experience
Online purchasing system
E.G.C.C. - Eastern Gateway Community College
Community College formed by the State of Ohio in 2009 to serve the Mahoning Valley
FIL - Faculty Improvement Leave
A one-semester leave
FOAPAL (fōp-ĕl) - Fund Org Account Program Activity Location
Term used in Banner financial system to designate a specific expense or revenue code/location. YSU only uses the first four levels at this time (FOAP).
FTE - Full time Equivalent
Semester student FTE equals SCH/15
GA/TA/RA - Graduate Assistant (funded by Grad School, may teach or do research)
Teaching Assistant (funded by Dean of College, must teach)
Research Assistant (not a GA or TA, funded by allocation from Grad School)
GER - General Education Requirements
Joe Palardy, Director (x2983)
HLC - Higher Learning Commission
Accrediting body for YSU
HR - Human Resources
Located in Jones Hall.
Interactive Distance Learning
Distance Learning
Distance Education
Web Based
IR/IRPA - Institutional Research
Institutional Research and Policy Analysis
Data-collection and analysis office, Meshel Hall
NEOMED (nē-ō-mĕd) - Northeast Ohio Medical University
Located in Rootstown, OH. YSU is one of the partner Universities.
NTD Form - Non-Teaching Duty Form
Approval form for reassigned time submitted each spring for subsequent academic year. Also called reassigned time form.
OEA - Ohio Education Association
Union governing faculty bargaining unit
OBOR (O-băr) or OBR - Ohio Board of Regents
Governing Board for Higher Education at state level
OGSP - Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs
OPERS (Ō-pŭrs) or PERS - Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Retirement System for Ohio public employees (non-faculty)
Q2S (Q to S) - Quarters to Semesters
Conversion of YSU to the semester system (2000)
PLA - Prior Learning Assessment
College credit for prior learning, awarded through standardized tests or a student portfolio
RACGS (răgs) - Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Study
OBR committee that reviews graduate proposals
ROC - Research Officers’ Council
Advisory Council to the Board of Regents
SCH - Student Credit Hours
Credit hours generated by student enrollment
SOAR (sōr) - Student Orientation, Advising and Registration
STEM (stĕm) College - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Established July 2007 during reorganization of College of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences
STRS - State Teachers Retirement System
Retirement system in Ohio for teachers
TAGS (tăgs) - Transfer Assurance Guides
Part of Ohio's Articulation and Transfer Policy whereby students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits among Ohio’s public colleges and universities and equitable treatment in the application of credits to admissions and degree requirements
UCC - Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Academic Senate committee that reviews all changes in undergraduate courses
URC - Undergraduate Research Council
Scott Martin, Interim Associate Dean, Chair
VSA - Voluntary System of Accountability
National testing and accountability evaluation required by State of Ohio
Hillary Fuhrman (x2453)
WCBA - Williamson College of Business Administration
Workload Hours
Teaching Hours
See bargaining unit agreement for definitions.
YEC - Youngstown Early College
Youngstown City High School on YSU campus
Located in Fedor Hall