YSU Teacher Bootcamp Program

The Teacher Bootcamp Experience


YSU’s Teacher Bootcamps are a two-week experience for area educators designed with the purpose to provide first-hand experience about rewarding careers available in in-demand industry sectors of the region. On day one, participating educators convene for an orientation to set the purpose for the Bootcamp. In small groups they will discuss big questions like: “What are the three most important skills students must have to be successful in manufacturing, telecommunications, or IT/Cybersecurity and why?” or “How should education change to be more relevant to student’s lives and future careers?” These questions spark interest and set a purpose for the remainder of the bootcamp. During the remainder of the Bootcamp, the educators will build a new knowledge base and develop skills to allow for more relevant and meaningful classrooms for their students.

Teachers will also get the opportunity to tour business sites during the experience. They learn about good paying jobs/careers available in the industries and the skills students need to be successful in securing and retaining these positions. They learn about educational advancement and benefits provided by the company and available to students.

Participating teachers synthesize the information gleaned from industry tours and create a culminating unit or project to use in their classrooms with their students based on their experience. On the final day of the bootcamp, these projects are presented to all educators in the Bootcamp to inspire and provoke public use of the lessons into other classrooms.

Bootcamp Funding and Industry-Recognized Credential Cost


Teacher Bootcamp enrollment is based on application, acceptance, and completion of the pre-work requirement.

The cost to attend the Teacher Bootcamp as well as supplies, food and beverage for in-person sessions, and campus parking are being funded by the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation.

Completing the associated credential is required as the pre-work to attend YSU’s Teacher Bootcamp. The credential cost is separate from the Teacher Bootcamp and can be paid for by the school directly to Youngstown State University or paid to YSU and reimbursed through TechCred, visit techcred.ohio.gov. YSU Teacher Bootcamp representatives can help your school apply to the TechCred program.

TechCred Requirements:

1. Employers will need to identify the specific, technology-centric qualifications they need, as well as the number of employee(s) they want to upskill.

2. To qualify for reimbursement of training costs, the employer must partner with a training provider and apply online. Individuals must be Ohio residents with a verifiable Ohio address.

3. The state will reimburse up to $2,000 of training costs per credential upon completion. There is no longer a limit of one reimbursement available per employee in each funding round.

4. Employers are eligible to receive up to $30,000 per funding round.

YSU Workforce will provide a certificate of completion with YSU and participating industry partner logos, name of the course, and contact hours. The teacher will go through the standard process of delivering the certificate of completion to their LPDC committee, which will be the committee in charge of converting the contact hours to CEUs. The two IT focused Bootcamps will offer 60 hours each and the Advanced Manufacturing Bootcamp will offer 87 hours.


  • This bootcamp is FREE to attendees.
  • Cost of tuition for bootcamp will be covered by funds received by Ohio's Teachers Bootcamp Program grant.
  • Graduate credit is not being issued as part of this bootcamp program.



Advanced Manufacturing Bootcamp


Length of Course Leading to Certificate:The Advanced Manufacturing Bootcamp will be a total of 87 hours, with 60 in person hours, and 27 online hours.

The Advanced Manufacturing Teacher Bootcamp will be presented by YSU Workforce’s Excellence Training Center (ETC). The ETC is a new advanced manufacturing training, workforce development, education, and research facility on the YSU campus. The facility boasts over $10M worth of state-of-the-art equipment used to bring the training programs to life.

The summer Bootcamp program will provide customized opportunities for educators to explore the manufacturing workforce development needs and opportunities in our region. The experiences for educators in the advanced manufacturing Bootcamp program can be used to strengthen classroom career readiness connections that are embedded in core STEM subject area instruction.

Each day of the in-person portion of the boot camp at the ETC, the students (educators) will be given time to work on their lesson plans. The types of jobs available to those with the specific skill set being taught that day will also be discussed. The educators will not only understand the specific knowledge and skills needed to obtain certain jobs, but they will also be made aware of the Industry Recognized Credentials and career pathways available to their students through YSU Workforce.

Evaluation of Boot Camp Participants Students will be evaluated by the following:

  • Completion of Bootcamp pre-work
  • Attendance
  • Engagement with out of class content.
  • Full and active participation in all aspects of the Bootcamp.
  • Creation of and delivery of a meaningful and well thought out presentation highlighting the following:
  • Training and careers in the advanced manufacturing industry.
  • The integration of curriculum based on skills and competencies.
  • How this message will be communicated back to classrooms.

PRE-WORK (10 Hours)

Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA), online modules (27 hours) and the CMfgA certification exam is to be completed before attending the in-person boot camp at the ETC. Contact your YSU bootcamp representative to discuss and schedule your exam.



Bootcamp Dates


July 15th - July 26th


For more information please contact Cynthia Manofsky at ccmanofsky@ysu.edu

Space is limited to 10 applicants. Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.


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5G- Telecommunications Bootcamp


Length of Course Leading to Certificate: 60 total hours including pre-work, in-person sessions, site visits, job shadow, and outside of class work.


YSU Workforce’s hybrid Bootcamp experience is for educators in the northern Appalachian and Northeast Ohio region. It will provide participants with tools and resources to help guide their students as they explore, prepare, and pursue careers in telecom. The Bootcamp participants will be made aware of the Ohio Department of Education’s recently approved 5G and broadband instruction for a 12-point pathway towards graduation.

Educators will participate in the same curriculum developed by WIA in Introduction to Wireless Broadband Infrastructure (3 online asynchronous modules and 1 in-person session) and their 60-hour time commitment in the workshop will be eligible for CEUs.

Evaluation of Boot Camp Participants

Students will be evaluated by the following:

  1. Completion of Bootcamp pre-work
  2. Attendance
  3. Engagement with out of class content.
  4. Full and active participation in all aspects of the Bootcamp.
  5. Creation of and delivery of a meaningful and well thought out presentation highlighting the following:
    1. 5G technology usage in the workplace.
    2. The integration of curriculum based on skills and competencies.
    3. How this message will be communicated back to classrooms.


PRE-WORK (10 Hours)

Credential: WIA’s Introduction to Wireless Broadband Infrastructure (3 online asynchronous modules and 1 in-person session)

Cost: $1,699

* Completing the associated industry-recognized credential is required as the pre-work to attend YSU’s Teacher Bootcamp. The credential cost is separate from the Teacher Bootcamp and can be paid for by the school directly to Youngstown State University or paid to YSU and reimbursed through TechCred, visit techcred.ohio.gov. YSU Teacher Bootcamp representatives can help your school apply to the TechCred program.

Sample Schedule:

(Dates are subject to change)
March 11, 2024: Application opens
April 30, 2024: Application closes
May 24, 2024 – June 7, 2024: Prework to be completed
E-Learning for Credential One
  • Wireless 101
  • Macro site Fundamentals
  • Get up to Speed with 5G
  • RF Safety and Awareness
June 8, 2024 – June 9, 2024: Optional Tough Tower Competition
June 10, 2024 – June 21, 2024: Telecommunications Bootcamp
June 10, 2024: Day One, In-person at YSU
  • Orientation (2 Hours)
  • 5G Readiness – Cellular Communication Theories (4 Hours)
June 11-13, 2024:
  • Site Visit at Company (Meet here)
  • Site Visit at Company Small Groups at YSU
June 14, 2024:
  • Individual Group Shadow of assigned industry
June 17-18, 2024:
  • Continued Group Shadow of assigned Industry
June 19-20, 2024:
  • Working Think Tank Sessions
June 21, 2024:
  • Final Lesson Presentation Final Thoughts and Departure

Location: In-person sessions will begin at Silvestri Hall located on YSU’s campus, 314 N Phelps Street, Youngstown, OH 44503.

Site visit locations will be communicated to participants prior to the Bootcamp start date.

Each participant will be responsible for their own transportation throughout the program.

Bootcamp Dates


June 10th - June 21st 


For more information please contact Chris Riedel at ctriedel@ysu.edu

Space is limited to 10 applicants. Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

Must apply by April 30th


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Cyber Security Bootcamp

Length of Course Leading to Certificate: 60 total hours including pre-work, in-person sessions, site visits, job shadow, and outside of class work.


Few fields offer more opportunities to solve important problems than cybersecurity. YSU Workforce’s cybersecurity bootcamp will be a two-week experience designed with the purpose of providing first-hand knowledge of training and careers in the cybersecurity industry.  Educators will learn enough about this field to inspire their students to explore this sector as a viable career pathway and they will be encouraged to develop ways to close the career gap and prepare students for in-demand tech careers in this sector.

Lesson plans developed through this training will depend on the grade level the teacher works with but can include basics such as identifying symptoms of an infected computer to understanding what a cyberthreat means (stolen financial information, passwords, identity, etc.). For higher grades teachers will be able to guide students to visit cyber security companies, begin a pre-apprenticeship, or do an internship with one of our industry partners. It is crucial that students have the skills needed to efficiently and confidently use computers and the internet to accomplish a growing list of daily activities.

Educators will complete course work through Cisco’s Introduction to Cybersecurity (online, asynchronous) and their time in the workshop will be eligible for CEUs. Support will be provided for teachers who would like to continue on with training to earn Cisco’s CCST Certification.

Evaluation of Boot Camp Participants
  • Students will be evaluated by the following:
  • Full and active participation in all aspects of the Bootcamp.

Creation of and delivery of a meaningful and well thought out presentation highlighting the following:

  • Training and careers in the cybersecurity industry.
  • The integration of curriculum based on skills and competencies.
  • How this message will be communicated back to classrooms.


PRE-WORK (10 Hours)

Cost: $0

Sample Schedule: (Dates are subject to change)

March 11, 2024: Application opens

May 31, 2024: Application closes

June 10, 2024 – July 5, 2024: Prework to be completed E-Learning for Credential One Cisco Introduction to Cybersecurity, online modules

July 8, 2024 – July 19, 2024: Cybersecurity Bootcamp

July 8, 2024: Day One, In-person at YSU Orientation (2 Hours) ETC Tour, TBD IT/Cybersecurity Activity

July 9, 2024: Site Visit at Company (Meet here) Site Visit at Company

July 10, 2024: Site Visit at Company (Meet here) Small Groups at YSU

July 11-12, 15, 2024: Individual Group Shadow of assigned industry

June 17-18, 2024: Continued Group Shadow of assigned Industry

July 16-18, 2024: Working Think Tank Sessions

July 19, 2024: Final Lesson Presentation >Final Thoughts and Departure

Location: In-person sessions will begin at Silvestri Hall located on YSU’s campus, 314 N Phelps Street, Youngstown, OH 44503.

Site visit locations will be communicated to participants prior to the Bootcamp start date.

Each participant will be responsible for their own transportation throughout the program.


Bootcamp Dates


July 8th - July 19th


For more information please contact Sherri Downey at sgdowney@ysu.edu

Space is limited to 10 applicants. Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.


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  • Completion of Bootcamp pre-work
  • Attendance
  • Engagement with out of class content.