- Read the YSU University Policies. These policies and procedures are provided on the Forms page. Please note that the many policies have recently been updated. ORS will seek to ensure that all links are up-to-date. Please contact ORS for any additional information or questions.
- Draft a Budget and Proposal Concept. Most often, grant seekers find it easier to locate funding sources after they have spent time considering all of the needs for their research or program. ORS recommends that all grant seekers develop at least a preliminary budget prior to seeking funding opportunities. ORS staff are seasoned and able to assist any faculty or staff member in budget development and should call ORS or email at the earliest convenience.
- Notify ORS of your Intent to Apply: Notify ORS (as well as your Academic Dean) via the YSU Webform as soon as possible regarding your intent to apply for external funds. This stage is critical for ORS to plan and prepare for your upcoming submission, as the appropriate amount of time must be allotted in the calendar to accommodate budget revisions, routing, and electronic submission. When notifying ORS and your Academic Dean about your intent to apply, please ensure that the necessary information about the upcoming proposal is provided, such as:
- Funding agency and program
- Due Date (including an appropriate letter of intent and/or pre-proposal deadlines)
- Project title and/or purpose of the grant
- Estimated budget or maximum allowable request.
- Matching funds required by the grantor
- Internal and external partners
- Any other special considerations (including required protocols).
- Refine the Proposal and Budget. Please make an appointment to speak with an ORS staff member during the formal proposal and budget development stage to ensure that the funding request is compliant with institutional, federal, state, or local guidelines. During this stage, ORS may assign internal peer reviewers, mentors, or other personnel who can assist you in the development of your proposal (especially for faculty members new to the grant writing process). In addition, ORS is pleased to work directly with project directors in developing their proposals.
- Submit to ORS Within Seven Days of the Due Date. Submit the final, completed proposal (including budget, budget narrative, abstract, and all additional materials) to ORS within seven business days of the due date. Please note: submittal of materials after this deadline may not guarantee approval for submission.
- Route the Proposal. ORS will accept the routing form or work with the PI/PD in the routing process. This form ensures that the YSU administration has been made aware of, and endorses, the formal request for external funding. Routing Forms generally take 3-4 days for approval. After a proposal is routed, no significant changes should be made to the proposal concept and no changes at all should be made to the budget. ORS will submit only those projects approved by the institution through the signatory process on routing forms. All proposals are submitted in accordance with ORS scheduling priorities. Verification of submission will be provided to all grantees.
- Obtain IRB/IACUC Approval: PIs should begin the protocol approval process early if their grants require approval. Please note that if the externally funded program requires IRB or IACUC approval, the project director may not begin grant activities until all appropriate personnel are approved to do so by the respective committees. Please be advised that principal investigators and project directors are not eligible to determine if their research activity is exempt or non-exempt.
- Formal Submission: Completed and approved projects (including narratives, budgets, and appendices) will be submitted directly by ORS, unless authorization is provided by ORS allowing the project director to submit directly.
- ORS SATISFACTION SURVEY: Coming Soon! ORS staff strives to provide quality and timely service to all customers. We look forward to receiving honest feedback on ways in which we could improve our services to the greater campus community.
Receiving the Contract/Award
When a grantor issues an award (or declination), official notification will be made via phone, letter, and/or email. Recipients may include the President, ORS, and/or the Project Director. Additionally, the U.S. Senator’s Office or local Congressman’s Office may be notified. If awarded, YSU will receive an official Grant Award Notification (GAN) or other funding mechanism which generally must be fully executed through a contract approval process. This contract will bind the institution to the terms outlined in the award notification.
Contracts/Award Notices
All fully executed award notifications will be kept on file in ORS. The Office of Grants Accounting will establish a unique Banner account for each contract using a specific Fund Number, Organization Code, Account Category, and Program Code (FOAP). The PI/PD will be notified of the appropriate codes and will be expected to expend funds in a manner fully compliant with the funding agency regulations. ORS and the Office of Grants Accounting has individuals and resources to support PIs and PDs in the proper administration of their program.
Responsibilities of a Principal Investigator/Project Director
Principal Investigators and Project Directors are responsible for the proper conduct of the project or program throughout its lifecycle. This includes:
- Management of the project according to the approved scope of work, sponsor conditions, and approved budget.
- Preparation and submission of progress reports, final closeouts, and other deliverables as scheduled in the award document.
- Supervision of expenditures in conformity with the award, including obtaining clearances from YSU offices and sponsor officials when proposing cost or budget deviations.
- Completion and certification of of Time Distribution Reports or Time and Effort Reports, as required by the funding agency or applicable law.
- Review and validation of financial reports for submission to sponsors.
- Maintenance of records to establish that the project, including costs in the budget, remain reasonable, necessary, allowable, allocable, and consistent.
- Performance of all technical and administrative deliverables in conformity with ethical and performance standards.
- Initiating personnel actions for persons paid via sponsored programs, including preparation of position postings and hiring in compliance with YSU policies and practices
- Arranging for all consultants, travel, and supply purchases.
- Transferring program files to the Office of Research Services for compliant archival at the conclusion of the award.