Faculty can access roster information and final grade submission 24/7 via the Penguin Portal as long as they have an internet connection. The Penguin Portal Banner Self-Service option will display real-time class roster information and enable the submission of final grades online during the designated timeframes of the term. Visit the "Faculty & Advisor Information via the Office of the Registrar" Microsoft Team for these instructions with screenshots and in PDF format.
Accessing Your Course in Banner:
- Navigate to the Penguin Portal at penguinportal.ysu.edu. Enter your username (YSU email address) and password and click Sign In.
- Locate and click on the Advisor/Faculty Dashboard card.
- Under the Faculty column, click Class Active Assignments.
- Here, you will find your active assignments and your assignment history. You can also go straight to your class roster from here by clicking Class List under the Roster section.
To View Class Roster:
- Navigate to the Penguin Portal at penguinportal.ysu.edu. Enter your username (YSU email address) and password and click Sign In.
- Locate and click on the Advisor/Faculty Dashboard card.
- Under the Faculty column, click Class List.
- At the top left of the page, click the drop-down menu to display your term options and select the appropriate term.
- Click on the course in question to access the Class List page.
- You can also search for a specific course by typing the CRN or other course information in the search box on the right.
You can view the Wait List for a course here as well by clicking the Wait List tab during the period of time that students are able to join the wait list of a course.
To Submit Final Grades:
- Navigate to the Penguin Portal at penguinportal.ysu.edu. Enter your username (YSU email address) and password and click Sign In.
- Locate and click on the Advisor/Faculty Dashboard card.
- Under the Faculty column, click Final Grades Submission.
- Here, you will see a history of your grade rosters and their statuses (Completed, In Progress, or Not Started).
- note: You can sort by Grading Status to put “Not Started/In Progress” at the top. To sort by any category, click on the arrows in the column header.
- Click on the course for which you want to enter grades. A new box will open at the bottom of the page.
- Here, click on the drop-down box to select a Final Grade for each student.
- “Not Gradable” means the student has withdrawn.
- If entering an “NAF” grade, you must also enter “Last Attend Date” and “Hours Attended.”
- At the bottom of the page, you can find the “Save” and “Reset” buttons. Reset will clear the page. You can also set how many records show per page. Pay attention to this if you have multiple pages to grade.
- Click “Save” button to save your progress.
- Once saved and completed, the Grading Status bar at the top of the page will change from “In Progress” to “Completed.” If this does not change to “Completed,” there may be an error or missed grades.
You may continue to enter/change grades until the grades have been rolled to the student’s academic history. This will show as a check mark in the “Rolled” column. Once grades have been rolled, a Grade Change form is needed to make changes.
If you are the primary instructor for a course and cannot access the final grades list to submit your grades, please email onestop@ysu.edu for assistance. For Penguin Portal technical assistance, including resetting your password, please contact the Tech Desk at (330) 941-1595.