Hello! My name is Becky Varian and I serve as the Director. I graduated from Kent State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and from Youngstown State University with a Master's degree in Student Affairs. I was fortunate to start my career at the ASC as a graduate assistant, and I instantly fell in love and knew my passion for learning was a perfect match for the goals of our learning center.
Be assured that when you visit the ASC you will find staff that is extremely student friendly and has a desire to support your academic success at YSU. Whether you come to get tutored, see your academic coach, or find a job, our staff is devoted to your growth and the attainment of your goals.
If you need assistance, you can reach me by phone or email.
Find Out more about me...
If you won a free trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
- Italy — even though I'm not Italian I love everything Italian! I watch Giada religiously and when she's in Italy it just looks like the most beautiful place with the most incredible food!
What is your favorite thing about Youngstown State University?
- So many things to love here it's really hard to pick just one, but I'm going to have to say our mascot. Penguins are too cute!
What advice would you give your 20 year old self?
- Hmmm... trust yourself more and trust your love of learning to lead you in a good direction. You really can make a career out of learning!