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Hispanic Heritage Month

The U.S. flag is carried into the opening ceremony of Hispanic Heritage Month in the rotunda of the Mahoning County Courthouse in downtown Youngstown. The event featured a flag ceremony representing 22 Hispanic countries. Below, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, YSU professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies, gives the keynote address.



Making the personal - personal

Mark Twain once said, “Write what you know.” So, if you’re going to write what it’s like to climb around on a ropes course high above the floor of the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center, well, you better get out there and do it. That was part of the reasoning behind Matt Feehley’s assignment for students in his writing class. Feehley, an adjunct professor in the English department, had his students complete the course and then write about it. He told The Jambar: “A lot of times in this class we’ll have students write about some personal experience.

Rain, rain go away...



Police officers remembered at Sept. 11 service on campus

The YSU ROTC Color Guard stands next to the Sept. 11, 2011, display case on the second floor of Cushwa Hall during the university's 9/11 Memorial Service earlier this month. The service honored police officers who died during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Names of the deceased police officers were read.


What's News

The UPside Enrollment is taking a turn for the better, declining 0.7 percent this Fall after significant decreases in each of the previous four years. “We are seeing some very positive numbers in some important categories,” said Gary Swegan, associate vice president for Enrollment Planning and Management. The preliminary numbers became official on the 15th day of the Fall semester.

Wean Foundation President Channels Opportunity to Mahoning Valley Region

Jennifer Roller, ’91 BA, ‘93 MA  Jennifer Roller can pinpoint moments that have served as guideposts in her professional life.

FBI Agent’s Goal: Bringing Health, Healing to Los Angeles



Alumnus Leads News Coverage of High Court's Same-Sex Marriage Ruling



Hershey’s Chocolate Geek: Making a Career in the Sweet Sciences



Master's degree earns national Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award

Youngstown State University’s master’s program in Counseling has received the national 2015 Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award. The recognition from the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision honors a counselor education program that exemplifies the importance of excellence through standards and innovation. The award will be presented at the ACES Awards Luncheon noon Saturday, Oct. 10 in Philadelphia.


