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Ideas for connecting downtown and YSU presented at open house this week

Business college holds information session on MBA

This Week at YSU, Dec. 7, 2015

Sen. Rob Portman receives honorary degree at YSU Fall Commencement Dec. 13

Tressels’ $1 million gift expands campus employment opportunities for students

YSU-Free Clinic partnership: ‘A huge opportunity’ to serve

The Midlothian Free Health Clinic has relocated to quarters on Wick Avenue bordering the YSU campus, creating new partnerships and service opportunities for YSU students and faculty alike. “The stars and the moon and everything else aligned to allow this to happen,” said Nancy Landgraff, professor and chair of YSU’s Department of Physical Therapy, describing the series of events that resulted in the move.

Faculty and staff achievements

Fabricae Vniuersitatis: Molly Burdette

China: YSU's next frontier?

YSU gets "Crashed"!

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"12386","attributes":{"class":"media-image alignright wp-image-14825","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"501","height":"334","alt":"Crash Tressel"}}]]About 1,500 prospective students, parents, family and friends "crashed" the YSU campus for fall Crash Day, the largest single recruitment event in university history. To the right, President Jim Tressel welcomes students to the opening ceremonies in WATTS.
