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Physics & Astronomy Facilities

Ward Beecher Planetarium

In addition to astronomy classroom use, the Ward Beecher Planetarium on campus offers field trip programs to area schools and weekend public programs.

Materials Science & Engineering Facilities

Materials Science and Engineering students will benefit from the advanced research facilities available within the STEM College at Youngstown State. The research laboratories occupy approximately 40,000 square feet within Ward Beecher Hall and Moser Hall.

Course Completion Rate

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Six Year Graduation Rate

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Six-Year Graduation Rate (available 2007-present)

Geological & Environmental Sciences Facilities

YSU's modern facilities for Geological and Environmental Sciences programs are located within Moser Hall. Conventional geological field and lab equipment are accessible for students both outside and inside the classroom.

Adding to the department's resources is the Natural Gas and Water Resources Institute, which promotes environmentally responsible exploration and production of oil and gas resources, as well as provides educational programs and resources to improve understanding of shale gas and associated environmental concerns.


Age Distribution

Fall 2022

Campus Facts

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The footnotes reveal important information about the report (e.g., source(s); definition of terms; exclusions; etc.) The date indicates the last time the web page/report was updated.

Honors Golf Outing

Saturday, May 27, 2017 - 08:00

Peer Institutions

Additional Resources
