Excellence @ Work: Performances and exhibitions
The latest edition of Excellence @ Work, an e-newsletter recognizing YSU faculty and staff scholarly achievements, features performances and exhibitions by faculty in the YSU Cliffe College of Creative Arts. Read all about it.
James Umble, professor of Saxophone, who performed a contemporary work for solo saxophone by composer/theorist Dr. Andrew Mead from Indiana University at the International Conference for Saxophone Performance and Pedagogy, hosted by the University of Florida. The work was written for and dedicated to Umble by Mead. Umble has been presenting lectures on Mead's music with Mead as co-presenter at recent professional conferences and has performed his music extensively in recent years.
Cicilia Yudha, associate professor, who presented a lecture/recital titled "Debussy’s Affair with Gamelan: GAME-Land No. 5 for Piano, Playing Hand, Voice, Kemanak, and Javanese Gong-Ageng by Slamet Abdul Sjukur (1935-2015)" at the 2021 College Music Society Southern Chapter Regional Conference. She will make a similar presentation at the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy in July. Both conferences are virtual.
Pianist Caroline Oltmanns, professor in the Dana School of Music, presents a live stream concert Sunday, March 21, as part of the Tri-C Community College Concert Series 2020-21, featuring works by Debussy, Wilding, Gulda and Beethoven. That same day, Oltmanns performs at the Bop Stop in Cleveland as part of the Cleveland Composers Guild. To access the stream, visit Bop Stop's Facebook page. In addition, Oltmanns will give a pre-concert talk for international concert pianist Emanuel Ax on March 25 at E. J. Thomas Hall in Akron, part of the Akron Tuesday Musical concert series. And, she will give a presentation titled “Piano Technique - An Overview from a Historic and Personal Perspective” at the Cleveland Institute of Music on March 23. She recently gave the same presentation for the Mid-Cities Music Teachers Association (Texas) and the Western Reserve Music Teachers Association (Ohio).
Amanda Beagle-Bossio, part-time faculty, Visual and Dramatic Arts, performed a sold-out Valentine’s Day concert, "Let's Fall in Love," with the Youngstown Symphony Orchestra Jazz Combo at the Ford Family Recital Hall, DeYor Performing Arts Center. The orchestra included Dana part-time faculty member Jack Ciarniello, piano, and Dana Professor Christopher Krummel, trumpet.