Presentation on racial battle fatigue features YSU grad

How to resolve feelings of racial battle fatigue is the topic of a virtual presentation 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 2, sponsored by the Minority Education Association at Youngstown State University.
The free presentation by Wilson Kwamogi Okello, a YSU graduate who is now assistant professor in the Watson College of Education at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, is titled “We Wear the Mask: Contending with Racial Battle Fatigue In and Beyond the Classroom Context.”
Register for the event here.
Okello explores the impact of racial battle fatigue, representing the visceral, psychological and emotional effects that bear on the material lives of Black people, and what possibilities exist to heal from it.
Okello, Scholar-In-Residence for the Coalition on Men and Masculinities at the American College Personnel Association, is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work has been published in leading publications, including the Journal of College Student Development, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, and the Review of Higher Education. He has delivered over 100 invited presentations, from Rhode Island to California. He holds a Ph.D. from Miami University, master’s degree from the University of Rhode Island, and a bachelor’s degree from YSU.
He is the recipient of the University of Rhode Island’s Distinguished Alumni Rising Star Award, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ Outstanding Professional Award, YSU Outstanding Alumni Award, and the Dissertation of the Year award from the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education.