Social media workshop focuses on Snapchat

Snapchat is the focus of the final installment of the Youngstown State University Department of Communication’s Social Media Essentials Brown Bag Lunch Series noon Tuesday, April 30, in Kilcawley Center’s Ohio Room.
Guest speaker is Ryan McNicholas, assistant director of marketing for Fitness and Wellness in YSU’s campus recreation program.
“I have two daughters who keep me very busy,” McNicholas said. “I enjoy teaching Group X classes, using social media analytics and working with students to achieve their goals. I have been a Snapchat user for a few years to target a younger generation as well as posting with my daughters.”
Adam Earnheardt, chair of Communication, said the series has been a success. “We are not done with bringing social media experts to campus,” he said. In October, the department co-sponsors the return of DOYO Live to YSU, and then in spring 2020 the social media brown bag series continues with the focus on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
The sessions are free but reservations, should be made with Earnheardt at