YSU Panhellenic Council honored for recruitment efforts

For the first time in its history, the Youngstown State University Panhellenic Council has been recognized by the Association of Fraternal and Leadership Values for its successes during the 2017 academic year.
The council was presented a programming excellence award in Membership Recruitment for Division I Panhellenic Councils that have two to five member chapters.
YSU’s Panhellenic Council is the governing body for the four chartered Panhellenic sororities on campus: Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta and Zeta Tau Alpha.
Officers leading the YSU council this year are: Jackie Bionci, president; McKenzie Learn, vice president of recruitment; Jessica Neral, vice president of programming; Lauren Cooper, treasurer; Amber Rea, secretary; Kelsey Lillie, public relations chair; Anastasia Monrean, judicial chair; and Madison Kraynek, community service. Carrie Anderson is their advisor.
The council’s mission is to support its women’s fraternities, better known as sororities, by promoting values, education, leadership, friendship, cooperation and citizenship.