1. Undergraduate Program Development:
Undergraduate Program Actions Requiring Board of Trustees Action and/or Notification or Approval by the Ohio Department of Higher Education
Since the last set of YSU Board of Trustees meetings, the Ohio Department of Higher Education has approved the following undergraduate program changes:
YSU received approval to offer a baccalaureate-level program leading to the Ohio Early Childhood (PK-3) and Early Childhood Intervention Specialist Dual License.
2. Graduate Program Development:
A new proposal (Program Development Plan or PDP) for graduate programs must be approved internally by YSU’s Graduate Curriculum Committee and Graduate Council before it is presented to the Board of Trustees Academic Quality and Student Success Committee as an information item. The PDP is then forwarded to the Chancellor’s Council on Graduate Studies (CCGS) for comment, and a full program proposal is prepared, in response if there are no serious objections. The full proposal must be reviewed by the internal curriculum process and then go to the Board of Trustees for action and approval. The proposal then goes to CCGS for a second review and in-person presentation. If CCGS recommends the program for approval—and after YSU Board of Trustees approval—it goes to the Chancellor’s staff, which makes a recommendation to the Chancellor based on CCGS review and public comments. The Chancellor’s signature is the final step of the approval process. Board of Trustees approval is required prior to any final decision by the Chancellor’s office.
The full proposal for a Master of Science in Nursing Option for Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program was approved by CCGS.
The change in degree name from Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Communication to Master of Arts in Professional Communication was approved by CCGS.
The PDP for the Ph.D. in Health Science degree program will be reviewed by campus committees in September.