People First Language

To ensure Inclusion, Freedom, and Respect for people with disabilities, we must use people first language.

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.

Mark Twain

Who are “the handicapped” or “the disabled?”

According to stereotypical myths, they are;

  • People who suffer from the tragedy of birth defects.
  • Paraplegic heroes who struggle to become normal again.
  • Victims who fight to overcome their challenges.
  • Categorically, they are called retarded, autistic, blind, deaf, learning disabled, etc., etc.,

Who are they, really?

  • Moms & Dads
  • Sons & Daughters
  • Employees & Employers
  • Friends & Neighbors
  • Students & Teachers
  • Leaders & Followers
  • Scientists (Stephanie Hawking)
  • Movie Stars (Marlee Martin
  • They are people. They are people, first.

People with disabilities constitute our nation’s largest minority group, which is simultaneously the most inclusive and the most diverse! Everyone’s represented: people of both genders and of all ages, as well as individuals from all religions, ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic levels. Yet the only thing people with disabilities truly have in common with one another is dealing with societal misunderstanding, prejudice, and discrimination.

Furthermore, the “disability community” is the only minority group that anyone can join, at any time. Some join at birth. Others join in the split second of an accident, though illness, or by the aging process. If and when it happens to you, will you have more in common with others who have disabilities or with family, friends, and co-workers? And how will you want to be described? How will you want to be treated? Disability issues affect all Americans!

Inaccurate Descriptors

“The handicapped” is an archaic term-it’s no longer used in any federal legislation-that evokes negative images (pity, fear, and more). The origin of the word is from an Old English bartering game, in which the loser was left with his “hand in his cap” and he was thought to be at a disadvantage. A legendary origin refers to a person with a disability begging with his “cap in his hand.” This antiquated, pejorative term perpetuates the stereotypical perception that people with disabilities are a homogenous group of pitiful needy people! People who have brown hair (or those who share any other characteristic) are not all alike: similarly, individuals who have disabilities are not alike. In fact, people with disabilities are more like people without disabilities than different!

We’ve all seen parking spaces, hotel rooms, and other structures labeled “handicapped” as a reference that something is useful to all people with disabilities. But these particular accommodations are designed to improve access for people with physical disabilities. In general these modifications have no benefit for people with other types of disabilities. This is just one example of the inaccuracy and misuse of the “Hword” as a generic descriptor. (The accurate term for modified parking spaces, hotel rooms, etc. is “accessible.”)

“Disabled” is not an appropriate descriptor, either. Our society corrupts the meanings of words. Traffic reporters frequently use the term, “disabled vehicle.” In that context, “disabled” means “broken down”. People with disabilities are human beings and they’re not broken!

If a new toaster doesn’t work, we say, “it’s defective!” and we return it for a new one! Shall we return babies who have “birth defects?” The respectful term is “congenital disability.” Many parents say, “I have a child with special needs.” This frequently provokes pity, as demonstrated by an “Oh, I’m so sorry,” response. A person’s needs aren’t “special” to him-they’re ordinary! I’ve never met an adult with disability who wants to be known as “special.”

The Power of Language & Labels

Words are powerful. Old, inaccurate, and inappropriate descriptors perpetuate negative stereotypes and attitudinal barriers. When we describe people by their labels of medical diagnoses, we devalue and disrespect them as individuals. What is the purpose of a disability label? It’s a sociopolitical passport for services! But we mistakenly use labels to determine how/where people with disabilities will be educated, this defines a person's potential and value! In the process, we crush people’s hopes and dreams and relegate them to the margins of society.

The real problems are attitudinal and environmental barriers.

If educators held the attitude that young adults with disabilities are men and women who have the potential to learn, who need the same quality of education as their brothers and sisters, and who have future in the adult world of work, we wouldn’t need to advocate for inclusive education. If employers held the attitude that adults with disabilities have valuable job skills and can contribute to the success of a business, we wouldn’t need to advocate for real jobs for real pay in the community. If business owners held the attitudes that people with disabilities are consumers with money to spend, we wouldn’t need to advocate for accessible entrances and other accommodations.

People first language puts the person before the disability and it describes what a person has, not what a person is.

  • Are you “myopic” or do you wear glasses?
  • Are you “cancerous” or do you have cancer?
  • Is a person “handicapped” or “disabled” or does s/he have a disability?

If people with disabilities are to be included in all aspects of our communities-in the ordinary, wonderful, and typical activities most people take for granted-we must use the ordinary, wonderful, typical language used about people who don’t have disabilities. Individual with disabilities are people, first. The only labels they need are their names!

The only places where the use of disability labels is appropriate are in the service system and medical or legal settings. Labels have no place-and they should be irrelevant-within our families, among friends, and within the community.

Besides, the label is nobody’s business! Have individuals with disabilities given us permission to share their personal information with others? If not, how dare we violate their trust! And we also talk about people with disabilities in front of them, as if they’re not there. We must stop this demeaning practice. A person’s self-image is strongly tied to the words used to describe him/her. For generations, people with disabilities have been described in negative, stereotypical language that has created harmful, mythical portrayals. We must stop believing (and perpetuating) the myths-the lies-of labels. We must believe children and adults with disabilities are unique individuals with unlimited potential to achieve their dreams, just like all Americans.

  • Isn’t it time to make this change?
  • If not now, when? If not you, who?
  • People First Language is right.
Say: Instead of:
People with disabilities The handicapped or disabled.
He has a cognitive disability. He’s mentally retarded.
She has autism She’s autistic.
He has Down syndrome. He’s retarded.
She has a learning disability. She’s learning disabled.
He had a physical disability. He’s a quadriplegic/crippled.
She’s of short stature/she’s a little person. She’s a dwarf/midget.
He has an emotional/mental health disability.  He’s emotionally disturbed.
She uses a wheelchair/mobility chair.

She’s wheelchair bound/confined to a wheelchair

He receives special ed services. He’s in special ed.
Typical kids or kids without disabilities. Normal or healthy kids.
Congenital disability Birth defect.
Brain injury Brain damaged.
Accessible parking, hotel room, etc. Handicapped parking, hotel room, etc.
She need…or she uses… She has a problem with…
















Adapted from a Commentary by Kathie Snow