YSU Phi Kappa Phi receives top national award
The YSU chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi has achieved Circle of Excellence Platinum status for 2018-19, the highest award in the society’s Circle of Honor Awards Program.
“We are so honored to receive this award which recognizes the dedication and hard work of all the students, faculty and staff who are committed to the love of learning,” Karen Becker, president of the YSU chapter and director of First Year Experience at YSU.
Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest, largest and most selective honor society for all disciplines, recognizes outstanding chapters for promoting excellence on the local campus and engaging the community of scholars each year.

Members of the YSU chapter include faculty, staff, students, alumni and community leaders. Each year, the organization hosts activities and events for social, networking and community engagement purposes. YSU Phi Kappa Phi also awards local scholarships and supports campus academic initiatives.
In recent years, several YSU students, faculty and staff have received national awards from Phi Kappa Phi, which is open to scholars from all disciplines. Ron Shaklee, past president and chair of the YSU Geography and Urban Regional Studies Department, also serves on the national fellowship committee.
Top ranked students were invited to membership earlier this year. Those who join will be inducted at a ceremony on March 27.