YSU grant funding hits five-year high

Youngstown State University faculty and staff were awarded $7.5 million in grants this past fiscal year, the largest amount in five years.
“We certainly had a banner year thanks to the hard work and dedication of so many talented faculty and staff on campus,” said Mike Hripko, associate vice president for Research. “We hope to build on this momentum as we continue to raise the research profile of the university.”
Hripko’s office celebrated the accomplishments Thursday with nearly 100 faculty and staff at the university’s annual Research Recognition Luncheon on campus.
YSU received 83 grant awards worth $7.5 million in fiscal year 2016, up from 67 awards and $4.6 million the previous year. The dollar amount is the highest since 2011. Awards came from a variety of agencies ranging from the National Science Foundation to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Among the grants was a $4 million award from the Air Force Research Laboratory to advance research and development of advanced manufacturing, the largest grant in YSU history. Also noteworthy was the university’s first-ever grant from the National Endowment for the Arts – a $100,000 award to launch a public arts project in Youngstown.
Honorees at Thursday’s luncheon included:
Pat Veisz, director, Ohio Small Business Development Center, Williamson College of Business Administration.
Angela Cameron, director, Center for Human Services Development, 21st Century Community Learning grants from the Ohio Department of Education, Beeghly College of Education.
Martha Pallante, professor and chair, History, grant funding to the Youngstown Historical Center, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
Michael Crist, retired professor and interim dean, College of Creative Arts and Communication; R.J. Thompson, assistant professor, Graphic + Interactive Design; Leslie Brothers, director of the McDonough Museum of Art; Dominic Marchionda, city-university planning coordinator; John Bralich, research associate; grant from the National Endowment for the Arts inPlace.
Brett Conner, associate professor and director, grant from the Air Force Research Laboratory, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Nancy Wagner, professor and chair, Nursing, grants from the Ohio Board of Nursing, Bitonte College of Health and Human Resources.
Mike Beverly, senior coordinator, YSU Center for Student Progress, grant for the YSU Summer Bridge Program. (Staff Research Recognition)
Sara Michaliszyn, assistant professor, Human Performance and Exercise Science, grant for the University/Clinical Health Partnership, BCHHS (Young Faculty Research Recognition).
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, STEM (Departmental Recognition).