YSU Board of Trustees Summary, June 22 and 23, 2022

The Fiscal Year 2023 budget, projected persistent declines in enrollment across higher education, major renovations to Kilcawley Center and President Jim Tressel's future were among the topics discussed during two days of meetings this week by the YSU Board of Trustees. The board met in Tod Hall on Wednesday and Thursday, June 22 and 23. For the full resolutions, and other background materials, visit the Board of Trustees website. Here’s a summary:
Oaths of Office
Board Secretary Molly Seals gave the Oath of Office to Trustee Laura Lyden, sales and operations manager and corporate secretary of Lyden Oil Co., and Student Trustee Julie Centofanti, a junior Biology major. Lyden’s term expires in 2026, while Centofanti’s term ends in 2024.
President’s Report
President Tressel said the Board of Trustees’ committees met for 10 hours on June 22 “working on the future and making sure we take charge of our future at Youngstown State University.” He said he continually marvels at the progress being made across campus, noting that the constant focus is on students and the impact YSU can make on the region. Tressel also alluded to his announcement the day before that he would be stepping down as president on Feb. 1, 2023. “We have seven months of a lot of work to do,” he added. He said the best part of his job is working with the students. “When you get around our students, it gives you the confidence that we’re going to have the leadership (we need) for the future,” he added.
Nancy Wagner, director of the YSU Centofanti School of Nursing, updated the board on activities in her school, including three accreditation approvals in the past year, a new associate degree program and generally rapidly growing enrollment, totaling 705 across all of the nursing programs. Trustee Molly Seals complimented Wagner on the great work and said she is “so thrilled to see this because there is a great need for nurses in the community.”
Gabrielle Wagner and Evan Urrutia, doctoral students, Physical Therapy, talked with the board about the recent designation of the YSU Doctor of PT as the Ohio Physical Therapy Association’s Program of the Year. Wagner and Urrutia outlined the numerous professional and community service activities by DPT students that earned them the award.
Student Organization
Nickiforos Mastorides, president of the YSU Student Government Association, updated the board on the various activities of SGA, including the funding of 70 student organizations and 110 campus events, as well the “swipe out hunger” initiative and other efforts to address student hunger issues.
Fiona Lally talked with the board about the success of the Women's Soccer Club, which was named YSU Club Sport of the Year. “We are a team, but we also are very good friends,” she said.
Josh Irwin, a Business student and a member of the Penguins’ men's basketball team, and Head Coach Jerrod Calhoun updated the board on the successes of the basketball program on and off the court - four straight semesters with a 3.0 or higher grade point average, 100 percent graduation rate,19 wins, 12 Horizon League wins and 13 home wins. And, Calhoun said he’s “really, really excited about this upcoming team.”
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
Ron Strollo, executive director of Intercollegiate Athletics, reviewed personnel actions in his area, including nine separations, nine appointments, one reclassification and seven salary adjustments.
Strollo also introduced new staff and their roles, including Rebecca Fink, senior associate athletics director, and Ross Miltner, associate general counsel.
Fink provided an overview of infractions and penalties related to NCAA compliance in football (impermissible contact with transfer, failure to pass annual NCAA Coaches Certification Test and failure to monitor) and soccer (falsification of transcripts for international women’s soccer student-athletes and cost-free housing, transportation and payment of application fee for student-athlete). Fink said several changes have been implemented in response to the violations, including the hiring of another compliance officer, a newly drafted compliance manual, a new compliance on-boarding program, proactive rules education and a compliance audit.
Miltner reported on additions to the NCAA’s Policy on Campus Sexual Violence. He also updated the board on the NCAA’s new Name, Image and Likeness program - since July 2021, YSU recorded 95 NIL deals (women’s basketball had the most) totaling $47,484, an average of $539 per deal. In addition, Miltner reported that the NCAA is now requiring every university to have on staff a Senior Minority Administrator to enhance diversity and provide opportunity for minorities in leadership positions. Miltner said Jasen Spencer, currently director of Athletic Academic Services at YSU, will fulfill those additional duties starting July 2022.
Approved a Resolution to Approve Clearstead's Recommendation to Rebalance the University’s Non-Endowment Long-Term Investment Pool. The recommendations include the removal of DFA Global Bond fixed income strategy, reallocating most proceeds to two short-term managers, and modestly rebalancing into equities, adding to short-term growth manager Loomis Sayles.
John Colla of Clearstead presented the Quarterly Portfolio Asset Allocation and Investment Performance Review.
Approved an Agreement with Kent State University for Internal Audit Services. Neal McNally, vice president for Finance and Business Operations, reminded the board that the university’s former internal auditor, Kelli Miller, recently moved to another position at the university. As a result, the university began to explore a professional services agreement with Kent State University’s Internal Audit department. The KSU office has a staff of three auditors and is led by Sarah Gampo, also a former YSU internal auditor. Under the agreement, KSU will provide internal audit services for YSU, including an annual internal audit risk assessment and plan, IT audit services, quarterly reporting and periodic updates of documented internal audit procedures. McNally said the university will hire a staff auditor to help in the process.
McNally reported that YSU received the top rating – four stars – in the Ohio Auditor of State’s Star Rating System for open and transparent government. The assessment tracks YSU’s methods to fulfill public records requests. It’s the second consecutive year that YSU has received the top rating. McNally noted that the Office of General Counsel oversees public records at YSU.
McNally reported that the FY 2022 annual external audit with Plante Moran is on track for completion by October.
McNally reported that the Risk Management Council continues to meet, under the new guidance of Julie Gentile, director of the Office of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety. The Council met in April to discuss cyber security on campus.
Approved a Resolution to Modify Purchasing Policy. The policy was reviewed as part of the university’s standard five-year review cycle.
Approved Changes to Selected Graduate Tuition, including master’s programs in Public Health (Consortium of Eastern Ohio Master of Public Health), Fine Arts (Northeast Ohio MFA Consortium), Nursing and Nurse Anesthetist program (set by the St. Elizabeth Health Center School of Nurse Anesthetists).
Approved the Annual Operating Budget for FY 2023.
McNally presented the $171.7 million operating budget for Fiscal Year 2023. The budget is down nearly 1 percent from the $173 million operating budget in FY 2022 The spending plan, he said, is balanced, but heavily relies on one-time funding from carry-forward dollars and leftover COVID-19 relief dollars.
He noted that the budget includes a $1.4 million decrease in tuition revenue due to a projected 4 percent drop in enrollment for Fall Semester 2022. The enrollment decline is not a surprise, he said, given the continually shrinking pool of high school graduates in the region. He noted that enrollment has fallen 26 percent since 2010, and that projections show the downward trend continuing. “Any way you slice it, it should be clear that YSU is becoming smaller in terms of enrollment,” he said.
McNally also reported that personnel expenditures in the budget are up, driven mainly by increased salaries and fringe benefits. Meanwhile, YSU’s state funding – which is based on course completions, degrees awarded and the success of at-risk students - will increase 4.5 percent in FY 2023, McNally said. The increase is due to significant improvements in student success measures, including a 14 percent jump in graduation rates. In comparison, other Ohio public universities are receiving an average 0.9-percent increase in state funding, with several universities actually getting less than the previous year, i.e. -$8 million at Akron and -$6.2 million at Wright State.
The budget also reports that adjustments to YSU’s academic program portfolio over the past two years resulted in the layoff, non-renewal or voluntary separation of 24 faculty, amounting to a savings of $2.2 million. McNally noted, however, that the university in turn invested nearly $2.4 million to hire 26 new faculty. So overall, the process netted two additional faculty. Meanwhile, part-time faculty expenses are projected to decrease by 11 percent in the FY 2023 budget as the result of the implementation of additional instructional efficiencies. McNally also noted that the budget includes $20 million in nonathletic scholarships, with more than half provided by the YSU Foundation.
Approved Interfund Transfers, including $1 million from Parking Services Plant Reserves to fund the demolition of the M60 parking deck on Fifth Avenue; $850,000 from Parking Services to fund a new 160-space surface parking lot at the site of the M60 deck; $600,000 from Housing Services Plant Reserves for the second phase of bathroom renovations in Lyden House; and $600,000 from the Sick Leave Conversion Fund to provide interim financing for the Stambaugh Stadium classroom project.
Voted to request President Tressel and McNally to explore funding options for large-scale renovations to the Kilcawley Center student union. The board asked for a report at its next meeting in September. The decision came after a presentation from Trustees Mike Peterson and Joe Kerola, as well as Joy Polkabla Byers, associate vice president for Student Experience, and Amy Maceyko, associate principle with WTW Architects. WTW was hired to help study the need and feasibility of a new or renovated student union for YSU. Kilcawley Center, the current student union, was built in 1964.
Peterson conceded that, at first, he was somewhat skeptical of the need to invest millions of dollars into a student union. But, after talking with dozens of current and past students, he said he came to understand how important a modern student union is to the viability and growth of the university. He emphasized that he and the board are mindful of the significant financial and other challenges facing YSU and all of higher education, including decreasing enrollment, rising inflation, increasing cost of materials, etc. “This entire process was done with (all of) that in mind,” he said. Kerola said “a lot of work was done by a lot of people taking in several groups…to understand where we’re at and what we can do and can’t do with the way things are today.” He noted that Kilcawley Center has not changed much from when he was at YSU as a student. “Students are looking for fresh and updated,” he said.
Maceyko and Polkabla Byers presented results of a campuswide study exploring options for the university’s student union. Kilcawley Center was built in 1964, with renovations/additions in 1971 and 1979. The Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center was added in 2005. John Hyden, associate vice president for Facilities, reported that the building has $25 million in deferred maintenance needs alone. After a thorough study of all options, including building a new student union along Fifth Avenue, the team focused on a full renovation of the current Kilcawley Center, at a cost of around $40 million. “We’re talking about a major gut and rebuild,” Hyden said. Renovations would allow for consolidated food service stations, expanded hours of operations, transparent and updated meeting rooms, larger convenience store, late night entertainment areas, improved lounge spaces, better and more visible student leadership space, a maker space, a multicultural lounge and a community kitchen. “There were a lot of wants, but we kind of got down to what we need,” Kerola said. Trustee Seals added, “This is so critical to the experience of our students.” Trustee Helen Lafferty lauded the extensive process linked to the strategic plan, the inclusion of many stakeholders and the focus on student needs.
Tressel said funding options could include a bond issue, philanthropic support and possibly a student fee. He said the YSU Foundation believes that a $10 million campaign for student union renovations is feasible. McNally said that if the university issues $30 million in debt, the cost would be about $2 million a year. McNally cautioned that the cost of borrowing money is likely to increase as the Federal Reserve tries to contain inflation by raising interest rates.
McNally presented a budget-to-actual report for the first three quarters of Fiscal Year 2022, indicating that the university is tracking on or above target in most categories of revenues and expenses.
John Hyden, associate vice president for Facilities, and Rich White, director of Planning and Construction, updated the board on construction projects across campus, including elevator safety repairs and replacements, roof of the Excellence Training Center, building envelope renovations, utility distribution expansion and upgrades, renovations to restrooms in Lyden House, construction of the Watson Team Center at the former flower shop on Rayen Avenue and renovations to Moser Hall, Fok Hall and the Wick Avenue parking deck.
Approved on first reading a resolution to amend the board’s bylaws regarding the definition of a quorum for meetings of the board’s standing committees. The current bylaws stipulate that a quorum for standing committee is at least six members. The revised bylaw stipulates that a quorum for standing committees is a majority of the members of that committee.
Chair John Jakubek presented, for second reading, the slate of board officers for 2022-23 - Chair Jakubek, Vice Chair Charles George and Secretary Seals.
Jim Yukech, chief technology officer, presented an overview of activating and implementing reporting dashboarding, and business intelligence capacities and capabilities.
Nate Myers, associate provost for International and Global Initiatives; Amy Cossentino, associate provost and dean of the YSU Honors College; and Joy Polkabla Byers, associate vice president of Student Experience, reported on international enrollment initiatives. Myers said COVID-19 hurt international enrollments across the country and at YSU, but he suspects that to change moving forward, noting that the number of international students admitted to YSU for Fall Semester 2022 is up significantly. He also presented a slide showing that YSU’s 373 international students come from 57 countries, including 94 from Nepal and 49 from Saudi Arabia. Cossentino reported on international enrollment initiatives in the Honors College, and Polkabla Byers reported on efforts to improve housing and campus experiences for international students. Trustee Eric Spiegel asked what YSU’s “international brand” is. Myers said YSU is known overseas as a good, affordable public university that has an “elite” Honors College program that provides financial help and good housing. “It’s a package that people have a hard time turning down,” he said. He also reported on recent successes in recruiting international students into YSU’s computer science programs.
Mike Sherman, vice president for Institutional Effectiveness and Board Professional, reported on YSU and the Education for Career Success Continuum, including certificates, credentials, badges and degree programs.
Sherman also reported on continued planning to ensure that requirements in the board’s new bylaws are followed and presented to the board on a regular and timely basis.
Approved a Resolution to Modify Student Complaint Process Policy. The policy was reviewed as part of the university’s regular five-year review cycle.
Approved a Resolution to Authorize Recommendation of Candidates for Honorary Degrees. The list, endorsed by the Events Committee of the Academic Senate, includes nine candidates. The list of candidates is in addition to other lists already endorsed by the Senate and approved by the Board.
Approved a Resolution Accepting Submission of YSU’s Open Pathway Year 4 Assurance Review to the Higher Learning Commission. Kevin Ball, associate provost, reported on the draft of the updated HLC Assurance Review submission, which he said is due to HLC at the end of June 2022. The draft, he said, focuses on the university’s progress in academic program review and strategic planning. In a draft letter of submission, President Jim Tressel says the review demonstrates that YSU continues to meet the HLC’s criteria for accreditation. “I am particularly proud of YSU’s progress and achievement with program review,” he says in the letter. He said he also is proud of the campus’ engagement in the review process, including teams of faculty, staff and administrators. In addition, Amy Cossentino, associate provost and dean of the Honors College, reported on the continued activities of the YSU Strategic Planning Optimization Team.
Approved a Resolution Endorsing the 2022 through 2024 State of Ohio-Mandated Completion Plan Aligned with the “Plan for Strategic Actions to Take Charge of Our Future.” Associate Provost Claire Berardini reported that the plan includes information on Penguin Pass, CRM Advise, Degree Works, YSTAR Summer Academic Institute and the Mahoning Valley Innovation and Commercialization Consortium.
Chet Cooper, chairperson of the Academic Senate, reported on a variety of Senate activities focused on student success and completion, including a new Change of Major Reassessment policy, and changes to policies regarding GPA, military duty, student transfers and test optional admissions. The Senate, he said, also endorsed a revised textbook selection policy, adopted revised class scheduling guidelines and endorsed “Principles of Good Practice in Teaching at YSU,” which outlines a framework for good practices in teaching that helps students learn, persist and achieve their educational goals. He also noted that the Senate recently approved a resolution honoring the “stellar work” of Joseph Palardy, professor of Economics, as a “stalwart” member of the Senate and a leader in General Education and in Curriculum and Programs.
Brien N. Smith, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, reported that Ohio state law requires public universities to regularly review duplicative academic programs and low enrollment courses. That requirement intersects well with YSU’s ongoing Academic Program Enhancement and Effectiveness Initiative, Smith said. Sal Sanders, assistant provost and dean of Graduate Studies, reported that, under APEEI, the university’s 161 academic programs are regularly reviewed and placed in one of four categories: grow plus, grow, sustain and adjust. He noted that, while there is no “sunset” category in this year’s review, discontinuing a program could be the end result of a program in the “adjust” category. Kevin Ball, associate provost, also noted that YSU’s APEEI program review process is in line with recommendations of the Higher Learning Commission.
Jennifer Pintar, associate provost, updated the board on University-Wide Learning Outcomes and activities of the Academic Program Transformation Team, including an examination of the structural framework of the university’s general education program. Pintar also reported on progress made through various Curricular Efficiency and Effectiveness initiatives: 10 percent reduction in small class sizes, 5 percent or 117 fewer class sections, 3 percent increase in undergraduate student credit hours taught by full-time faculty, savings of $102,000 in part-time instruction costs, and plans to develop up to 10 online undergraduate programs in house.
Approved a Resolution to Modify Deadly Weapons Restrictions Policy. The policy was reviewed as part of the university’s regular five-year review cycle. The policy is unchanged.
Approved a Resolution to Accept WYSU Memberships, amounting to $215,666 for the first three quarters of Fiscal Year 2022.
Approved a Resolution to Accept Gift of Real Estate from the YSU Foundation, including six parcels along Fifth Avenue between West Wood Street and Orchard Place totaling about 0.5 acres for the development of a 40-space surface parking lot, as well as two parcels along Arlington Street near Ford Avenue totaling about 1/3 acre.
Paul McFadden, president of the YSU Foundation, reported $3.32 million in new gifts and pledges for the first three months of 2022, more than double the amount raised in the same period in 2021. He said it was probably the strongest third quarter ever for the Foundation. McFadden also presented a chart showing the Foundation has raised nearly $24 million so far in Fiscal Year 2022, the most in any of the last 10 fiscal years. He also reported that the Foundation is hiring four additional employees. “We have more prospects than people to pursue,” he said.
Elaine Ruse, associate vice president for Student Enrollment and Business Services, reported on continued enrollment strategies, including the success of Penguin Preview Day and Experience Y Day enrollment recruitment programs. She also reported that more than $121 million in financial aid and scholarships was disbursed in 2021-22, and that average debt of YSU graduates continues to fall and now stands at $15,555.
Ross Morrone, chief marketing officer, presented a report reviewing activities in the Office of Marketing and Communications in fiscal year 2022, including more than 83 million impressions on digital and media spends, more than 600,000 engagements on social media, distribution of 2,173 Merit press releases highlighting the achievements of 5,983 students to 846 media outlets across 36 states, and nearly 3,000 campaigns through the Emma campus email system. He also outlined the fiscal year 2023 marketing plan that includes media buying focused on Cleveland, Akron/Canton, Youngstown, Pittsburgh and Erie markets, continued enrollment integrations with EAB, Academic Partnerships and Gray Associates, a major focus on international marketing and enrollment, and a new study to develop a university brand and new marketing and messaging materials.
Jeanne Herman, university registrar; Tysa Egleton, director and associate registrar; and Molly Burdette, assistant director of Degree Completion and Credentialing, updated the committee on the university’s degree completion and credentialing strategy. Initiatives include Enrolled Students with 120 or More Credits Completion Pathway, College Credit Plus, YSU College Comeback/Stranded Credit Program, Some Credit and No Degree, Reverse Transfer and expanded credentialing through the Division of Workforce Education and Innovation.
Approved a Resolution to Modify Family and Medical Leave Act. The policy was reviewed as part of the university’s regular five-year review cycle.
Approved a Resolution to Modify Part-Time Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Policy. The policy was reviewed as part of the university’s regular five-year review cycle.
Approved Resolution to Modify Excellence Awards for Department Chairpersons Policy. The policy was reviewed as part of the university’s regular five-year review cycle.
Approved Resolution to Modify Persona Non Grata Status for Campus Visitors Policy. Holly Jacobs, vice president and General Counsel, reported that the policy was modified to make University Relations and General Counsel the responsible divisions/offices for the policy. In addition, the process for issuing a notice of persona non grata is streamlined, with university police making the determination based on evidence collected. The policy also sets forth the procedure for appealing the PNG determination to the Office of General Counsel.
Approved a Resolution to Modify Employment of Students Policy. The updates include key definitions as well as an expanded set of parameters.
Approved a Resolution Regarding Campus Free Speech. Jacobs said the resolution affirms the principles of campus free speech in Revised Code section 3345.0215(A) (1) through (9) and authorizes the incorporation of those principles into YSU policy. The resolution also amends university policy to create a process by which any student, student group, or faculty member may submit a complaint about an alleged violation of the foregoing principles, or violation of any university policy or state law concerning campus free speech by a university employee, including any allegation that a student’s grade was reduced on account of the student’s free speech. It also calls for a process for an impartial investigation of complaints and an impartial hearing regarding allegations.
Approved a Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Emeritus Status for Faculty and Administrators. The list includes 18 retired faculty (Rebecca Barnhouse, Terry Benton, William Buckler, Gordon Frissora, Stephen Gage, Shakir Husain, Birsen Karpak, Tammy King, Betty Jo Licata, Sherri Lovelace-Cameron, Christine McCullough, Allan Mosher, Fred Owens, Steven Reese, Ron Shaklee, Sharon Stringer, Linda Strom and William Vendemia) and two retired administrators (Jodi Clowes and Diane Hritz).
Approved a Resolution to Ratify Personnel Appointments, including 15 separations, 13 appointments, four promotions, eight reclassifications/position adjustments, two salary adjustments, two transfers and one multi-year contract.
Dana Lantz, director of Equal Opportunity, Policy Development and Title IX, reviewed the “Safeguarding Our Communities from Sexual Predators: What College Presidents and Trustees Should Ask” from United Educators. She also presented the 2022 Title IX report, which includes 62 reports received, 18 EEO/ADA complaints and three policy violation complaints.
Polkabla Byers reviewed a 35-page assessment of the university’s Office of Student Experience (Student Activities, Veterans Affairs, Housing and Residence Life, Campus Recreation and Kilcawley Center/Student Union). The office, she said, has 35 full-time equivalent staff, all of which she applauded for their hard work and dedication to their profession and to YSU. The report also highlights the division’s mobile app, anti-hazing efforts, Kilcawley Center renovation planning, housing initiatives, off-campus housing partnerships and COVID-19 response. Also included was a 12-page self-assessment developed by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.
McNally reviewed a 12-page assessment of university Facilities and Support Services, consisting of 75 employees in parking, janitorial, delivery, printing and recycling services; Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety; and maintenance, construction planning, campus grounds and central utility plant. “It’s the group that keeps the lights on and the roofs over our heads,” he said. McNally said salaries in the division are comparatively lower than other Ohio public universities and that staffing levels are comparable yet lower than peer universities. He also reported on the following measures showing the overall effectiveness of the unit: the university has expanded the size of campus without adding staff; the university completed $5 million in construction and building renovations in fiscal year 2021 alone (in addition to $5 million in federally funded air quality improvements over the last 10 months); and $2.5 million in parking improvements are scheduled for this summer alone.
President Tressel recognized the following passings:
- Robert Ewing Jr., husband of Susan Ewing, YSU Bursar
- Robert Joseph Stanko, retired associate professor of Criminal Justice
- James Michael Kohut, retired chair of Marketing
- Carol Jane Howell, mother of Dean Charles Howell
- Richard W. Jones, retired professor of Engineering
- Rev. Dr. Bernard M. Oakes, former limited service instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Lawrence A. “Larry” Teaberry Sr., lifetime member of the YSU Alumni Association
- Sierra McCorvey, 2019 graduate, master of Music degree, Dana School of Music
- Dominic Fabrizio, retired YSU police officer
- Abbey Lipinsky, YSU student, Psychology major
- Madeleine Haggerty, developed YSU Dental Hygiene Program and served as director and chair. In 2000, the program was named in her honor.
- Frank Bodak, retired YSU recreation facilities manager, known as Frank-Go!
New Business
Approved a Resolution Related to the Sustainability of Youngstown State University in Consideration of Demographics and as an Anchor Institution for the Region. The resolution says the board expects at its September 2022 meeting that: The Administration will present a Plan for a sustainable future including modeling the likely scope and size of YSU through 2030 in two four-year cycles; the Office of Academic Affairs will create Administrative Procedures (3356-1-11) that optimize the quality of the student educational experience consistent with the Plan, some of which will be implemented for Fall 2022; and the Fall 2022 14th-day Preliminary Enrollment Summary be presented and considered for an updated FY-23 operational budget as appropriate, particularly considering that adjustments to the budget might be warranted at the December meeting also in consideration of developing a long-term plan; and the likelihood that the institution will need to continue to adjust the academic portfolio.
Board Chair's Remarks
Board Chair John Jakubek said these are challenging times for higher education and YSU, and those challenges will remain going forward. Changes will be made, when appropriate, he said. While the board does not like making changes that negatively impact people’s lives, trustees must be concerned about the sustainability of the institution. “The sooner we face some of these challenges, the better off this university will be,” he said.
President Remarks
President Tressel noted that the meeting is the last for Trustee Ted Roberts, whose nine-year term expires. “We appreciate all of the time and effort and the passion you have for this university,” Tressel said. Roberts said YSU has endured for decades and will continue to endure, but change will be necessary, and the university must adapt. While education has changed much over the years, Roberts said the constant is the intersection of instruction and learning. The center of YSU, he said, “is not in this room,” but in classrooms and other spaces around the campus where instruction and learning meet.
Chair Additional Remarks
Chair Jakubek reflected on President Tressel’s announcement that he will step down effective Feb. 1, 2023. He talked about Tressel’s arrival at YSU in 1986 as head football coach, and the positive impact that his Penguin teams and four national championships brought to the Mahoning Valley. That was followed by his success at Ohio State University, and finally his return to YSU in 2014 to become president. Tressel “hit the ground running” as president, Jakubek said, and the impact he leaves will be felt for many years to come. He wished Tressel many years of good health and happiness.
Upcoming Regular meetings of the Board
- Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022
- Friday, Dec. 9, 2022
- Thursday, March 2, 2023