Williamson launches WCBA Student Consulting Initiative

Demonstrating a continued commitment to innovation, impact and engagement, the Williamson College of Business Administration at Youngstown State University is launching the WCBA Student Consulting Initiative this Fall semester.
The two primary goals of the Initiative are: 1.) provide undergraduate and graduate students with hands-on experiences that enable them to apply their knowledge and skills to solving business problems and to develop teamwork and consulting skills, and 2.) provide regional businesses and nonprofit organizations with expertise to solve organizational problems.
WCBA Dean Betty Jo Licata said the Initiative builds on the college’s experience in working with businesses and its partnership with the YSU Small Business Development Center.
“The time is right to do this as, due to Covid-19, many internship opportunities are being put on hold,” she said. “The WCBA Student Consulting Initiative is one more way in which we can serve businesses and our students can gain hands-on experience.”
Students selected for the Initiative will participate in several weeks of training on effective consulting skills and will then be deployed to work on one or more projects for regional businesses or nonprofit organizations. The Initiative welcomes projects in the areas of marketing and advertising, accounting and finance, and management and human resources.
For the initial phase, projects will be completed free of charge to select regional businesses and nonprofit organizations. Organizations will be expected to cover the expenses of materials, information, data collection or activities that may be necessary to complete the project.
Joe Angelo, director of the WCBA Entrepreneurship Center, will coordinate the Initiative. Interested organizations should email him at jfangelo@ysu.edu with a description of the project to be completed. Students interested in applying for the Initiative should apply through their WCBA Handshake account.