VITA free tax prep starts this weekend at YSU

It’s tax time again, and that means another year of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in the Lariccia School of Accounting and Finance at Youngstown State University.
Trained YSU business students and professional volunteers will provide income tax preparation at no charge every Saturday starting this weekend, Feb. 2, through April 6, except for March 16. Sessions are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Williamson Hall on the YSU campus.
In addition, this Saturday, Feb. 2, the Mahoning County Financial Stability Partnership will host a Financial Fair in Williamson Hall, featuring vendors providing financial education and support. Short seminars will be offered to clients as they wait to have their taxes prepared.
VITA provides free assistance to taxpayers, including but not limited to persons with disabilities, students and older taxpayers. Taxpayers who visit a VITA site should bring wage and earnings statements (Form W-2) from all employers, interest statements from banks (Forms 1099), a copy of last year’s tax return if available, and other relevant information about income and expenses. Taxpayers also need to bring social security cards for all people on the tax return and a photo ID card. Taxpayers with complex returns may need to see an accountant.
VITA offers hands-on experience to students in the YSU business college. In preparation for the program, business students and professional volunteers go through an intensive training program to ensure they are up to date on all IRS requirements and tax laws, spending four Saturdays in training sessions for about 30 hours total. In addition, each student and volunteer spends about 20 to 30 hours studying for the IRS Certifications to qualify to be a volunteer.
“Being a VITA volunteer has provided me with experience that a normal lecture class could not provide,” said Kyla Williams of Youngstown, senior Accounting major. “I have gained valuable knowledge that will give me an advantage when starting my career.”
The Williamson College of Business Administration is located on 221 N. Hazel Street between Rayen Avenue and Wood Street at the YSU campus.