Etruscan Prize winners announced

The Youngstown State University Poetry Center and Etruscan Press announce four winners of the 2018 Etruscan Prize.
Undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences are eligible to compete by submitting a one page creative work in any genre, “One page that sings.” The prize highlights the connections among many genres in which YSU undergraduates are working, and features some of the finest young writers in the university.
This year’s winners are:
- Kelsey A. Metzger “A Beautiful Act of Hope” - 1st Place ($500)
- Mallory Radar “Force” - 2nd Place ($250)
- Logan Burrows “A Wanderer’s Tale” - 3rd Place ($150)
- Dom Fonce “The Air Around Us is a Blanket” - Honorable Mention ($100)
The winners are invited to read with Myrna Stone, poet and Etruscan Prize judge; Lynn Lurie, poetry outreach visitor; and Philip Brady, YSU professor at the Youngstown Library, 7 p.m. Monday, April 9.
“Judging was very difficult,” said Stone, author of three volumes of poetry and finalist in the Ohioana Poetry Award. “Not only was the quality of work very high, but the variety, energy and craft of the entries was impressive. Clearly, a lot of fine writing in many modes is coming from YSU students.”
The Etruscan Prize is part of a week-long outreach program bringing authors and their books to underserved populations in the Valley. In the Fall, poet Remica Bingham and poet and classicist Aaron Poochigian visited schools and community sites in Youngstown. This Spring, Stone will be joined by novelist Lurie to visit Youngstown Early College, Choffin Career Center, Austintown Fitch High, Northeast Pre-Release Center, Trumbull Correctional Institute, Trumbull Correctional Camp, the Warren WYCA and the Youngstown WYCA.
Over 500 students and community members will meet the writers and receive copies of their books, Stone’s new volume of poetry, Luz Bones (Etruscan, 2016) and Lurie’s novel, Quick Kills (Etruscan 2014). Other outreach sites include East High, Chaney High, Park Vista Retirement Center, ACTION and Fairgreen Neighborhood Garden. A High School version of the Etruscan Prize will also be offered, hosted at Austintown Fitch High School.
The Outreach Program is supported by CLASS, the Ohio Arts Council, the Wean Foundation, the Youngstown Foundation, the Muses Fund, the Rayen Foundation and the Drs. Brothers & Murphy Fund.
For more information, please contact Philip Brady ( or visit