Cliffe College has jampacked week of events

It’s a busy week for the YSU Cliffe College of Creative Arts, with jazz music, guest recitals, lectures, a Muse concert and even an exhibit on the making of a monstrous, blood-consuming Venus flytrap:
Ongoing through March 5. “The Various Stages of Audrey II,” an exhibit about the puppetry process to create Audrey II in the recent production of the Little Shop of Horrors, is on display through March 5 in the Judith Rae Solomon Gallery in Bliss Hall on campus. The gallery is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Audrey II is the blood-consuming Venus flytrap plant in LSH, presented last Fall by YSU University Theatre. “It was very important to us to provide pedagogic value to our students so they could experience the entire process,” Stephanie Smith, chair, Visual and Dramatic Arts, said about the eight-month process to led by Wendy Akers, former YSU properties designer, to create the character. “We decided early on to construct the puppets rather than renting them.”
Tuesday, March 1, 7:30 p.m. The next concert in the McDonough Museum of Art’s 2022 Muse Series is titled “An Homage to Robert Casadesus on the Fiftieth Anniversary of his Passing.” The concert at the museum, free and open to the public, features faculty Alice Wang, clarinet; Cicilia Yudha, piano; Wendy Case, violin; Yejee Kim, violin; Michael Strauss, viola; and Kivie Cahn-Lipman, cello. Robert Casadesus was renowned 20th century French pianist and composer who died in 1972.
Wednesday, March 2, 12:15 p.m. A faculty chamber recital is featured in the Dana School of Music’s weekly Music at Noon concert in the Butler Institute of American Art. Other concerts this month include: March 16, Piano Studio Recital; March 23, Percussion; and March 30, Woodwinds. Free and open to the public.
Wednesday, March 2, 1 p.m. The Department of Visual and Dramatic Arts presents a lecture by guest artist Grayson Cox. The virtual lecture is accessible at The lecture is part of the Beecher Art and Technology Lecture Series. Cox is a New York City-based artist and educator working with printmaking, philosophy and furniture-like sculpture. He holds a master’s in Fine Arts from Columbia University, teaches graduate and undergraduate printmaking at Pratt and has exhibit in New York and internationally.

Wednesday, March 2, 7:30 p.m. The Dana School of Music presents a recital by guest artist Joachim Reinhuber, piano, in Bliss Hall, Room 2222. Free and open to the public. Reinhuber is professor of Piano at Texas A&M University, Kingsville. He has toured extensively throughout Texas and the United States with solo performances at numerous universities.

Thursday, March 3, 4 p.m. The Department of Visual and Dramatic Arts presents a lecture by guest artist Jacob Hashimoto. The virtual lecture is accessible at Hashimoto is a graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and his work has been featured in museum exhibitions at MOCA Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice, LACMA – Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California, Schauwerk Sindlefingen in Germany, and other major museums throughout the world.
Thursday, March 3, 7:30 p.m. The Dana School of Music hosts a concert featuring the YSU Jazz Sextets and Septet in Bliss Hall’s Spotlight Theater. The concert is free and open to the public. The groups will perform original music, arrangements, and lyrics by YSU students Chandler Carpenter, Enzo Chiodi. Lucas Ciesielski, Mason Ciesielski, Jesse Crownover, Shane Hogle, Belita Rubante, and Tom Landry.