Macte Virtute

Macte Virtute

Jim TresselHappy 2021 and belated holiday wishes to all.

The past several months have been filled with incredible challenges for our nation, including the continued tragic surge of the coronavirus as well as this past week's events at the U.S. Capitol. The impact is certain to be felt widely and to linger long as we move into the third decade of the 21st century.

Improved treatments, stepped up safety protocols and, especially, the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine gives hope, providing us all a glimpse of the light at the end of this dark time. We can hope and pray that 2021 will be a year remembered for battling back this terrible disease and restoring a sense of normalcy.

Of course, there was nothing normal here at your alma mater in 2020. We moved nearly all classes to off-campus, remote delivery when the pandemic hit in March, and continued that mode into this past Fall semester. Only about one-third of our classes were offered on campus, and that continues into the Spring semester.

The transition has not been easy, particularly for students who have lost out on so much by not being here on campus. Students are to be commended for their perseverance. In December, more than 1,000 students earned diplomas at Fall Commencement. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the ceremony was held in a virtual format. Nonetheless, it was a time to recognize the hard work and extra focus necessary to achieve in these difficult times. Our students are an inspiration.

As we move through 2021 and hopefully a healthier future, we cannot help but be changed, as individuals and as a university. It’s now time to reflect, learn from these past few months and put into place fresh approaches that will make us a stronger, more sustainable institution.  

Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy this streamlined version of the Winter 2021 digital edition of the YSU Magazine. You’ll find stories about successful alumni, accomplished faculty and generous donors, as well as the latest campus news and updates.

Here’s to a 2021 filled with health, happiness and good fortune for all. Be well. Stay safe and, as always…

Go Penguins,

James P. Tressel



James P. Tressel, President