Re-Humanizing the College Classroom

All the workshop materials are available in this OneDrive folder, or individual items are below. You will be asked to sign in with your YSU ID and password to access all materials. 

  • Re-Humanizing the College Classroom: Focusing on the "Who" we Teach

     Thursday, February 18th, 3-4P  Facilitator: Alicia Prieto. In this workshop we discussed who our students are and how to center their humanity in our classrooms. We spoke about the so-called “classic” modes of instruction and who they benefit and who they leave behind. We explored how belonging affects learning and how to create spaces conductive to the discovery and creation of knowledge in our classrooms.  

    Click the recording below to view.


  • Re-Humanizing the College Classroom: Focusing on the "How" we Teach

    Thursday, March 4th, 3-4P  Facilitator: Alicia Prieto. In this workshop we discussed particular ways to bring humanity into the classroom. We talked about ways to build community, different examples of active learning, and ways in which we can facilitate students ownership of their own learning 

    Click the recording below to view.

     rehumanizing how.PNG

  • Re-Humanizing the College Classroom: Focusing on the "What" we teach

     Thursday, March 18th, 3-4P  Facilitator: Alicia Prieto. In this workshop we re-evaluated what we are teaching by focusing on what skills and knowledge we are expecting college graduates to have. We discussed ways in which we can design curriculum around who our students are and different ways of assessing students’ growth.   

    Click the recording below to view.

    Rehumanizing WHAT.PNG