2009 Focus Group - Artistic and Literary Perspectives
This focus group had no representatives from Art (music and English were represented).
Some questions from the original questionnaire weren't used because the responses were integrated in earlier discussion. Below are the specific questions they answered and brief summary of the original report.
General Impressions of General-Education Requirements (GER)
What are the benefits of general-education requirements in preparing YSU students to be productive and responsible citizens?
GER introduces students to experiences they would never encounter otherwise, such as attending a classical music performance. GER helps students to understand other cultures and to achieve some level of tolerance; also, in these classes, students intermix--no single major is represented; many ages are typically represented. Diversity was mentioned several times as an important side effect of these classes.
Students try to stay insulated from one another and from their own education. These classes need engagement.
What are the challenges of the GER in preparing YSU students to be productive and responsible citizens?
The students' vast differences in ability, preparation, and interest make it hard to teach these classes. Student's poor attendance, participation, and cooperation hurt classroom dynamics. The faculty have to manage students who have missed four or five weeks of class and asked if they had missed anything. GER courses are low priority for busy, distracted students.
Students demonstrate poor classroom etiquette--answering their phones, text-messaging during class, etc.
Specific Questions about Artistic and Literary Perspectives Courses
YSU students should demonstrate an understanding of artistic expression in multiple forms and contexts. How well do you think the courses that you teach help students to do so?
If students cooperate and do their work, the courses work well. Students leave the classes seeking out additional artistic experiences independently. They progress from just responding according to likes and dislikes to analyzing art works for their relevance and methods. Also, many of these classes are inherently interdisciplinary, so students experience many approaches and disciplines.
A sub-goal for the artistic and literary perspectives domain is for stud nets to understand the importance of ethical reflection and moral reasoning. How well do you think that courses that you teach help the students to do so?
Studying literature includes fostering openness to divergent opinions and cultures. Part of the goal is to move students out of their comfort zones.
Another sub-goal for the artistic and literary perspectives domain is for students to understand the interrelationship among science, technology, and society. How well do you think that courses that you teach help the students to do so?
Film classes discuss technology; music also includes discussion of technology.
Another sub-goal for the artistic and literary perspectives domain is for students to understand the relationship among physical, mental, and emotional well-being and the quality of life of the individual, family, and the community. How well do you think that courses that you teach help the students to do so?
"Literature and music feed the soul," they said.
Another sub-goal for the artistic and literary perspectives domain is for students to understand the development of cultures and organizations of human societies throughout the world and their changing interrelationships with Western Society. How well do you think that courses that you teach help the students to do so?
Literature general-education courses include non-western and non-mainstream authors.
Another sub-goal for the artistic and literary perspectives domain is for students to understand the importance of diversity in American in all of its forms. How well do you think that courses that you teach help the students to do so?
They discussed this earlier.
Another sub-goal for the artistic and literary perspectives domain is for students to understand the natural environment and the processes that shape it. How well do you think that courses that you teach help the students to do so?
They pointed to ecological literature that they include.
The GER committee realizes that a course-by-course assessment of learning for courses identified as artistic and literary perspectives is not providing them with the kind of information that they need to assess learning.
They first pointed to the difficulty of getting courses approved for the GER. These faculty discussed the possibilities of using e-portfolios to gather data; these e-portfolios would include students' reflection on their progress. They suggested three gathering points for data and including extracurricular activities.
Are there any general comments that you would like to share with the GEC?
They suggested more interdisciplinary courses. They felt that education is far more than preparation for specific professions; students need to experiment beyond their individual careers' and majors.