Prescription Drop-Off Box

The Drop Off box is at the Youngstown State Police Department, located at 266 W. Wood St. Youngstown, OH 44555.

The Drop Off box provides a safe and secure location for YSU students, faculty/staff and Youngstown community members to dispose of any older and outdated prescriptions, or non-liquid medications.

The Drop Off box is designed to significantly reduce the prescription drugs at YSU or in the community that are either no longer needed or outdated. These same drugs unfortunately have become the target of theft and misuse, oftentimes by people who have access to the residence. This effort also hopes to impact the environment by eliminating prescriptions which are disposed of improperly.

Through this program, it is possible for the safe and environmentally-friendly destruction of controlled substances that normally might get flushed down toilets, tossed into the trash, or even thrown on the side of the road. Safe disposal of the contents of these receptacles takes place once a month. The protection of the public health and safety are key factors, as well as resident life at Youngstown State University.

For more information about the program, please contact William Rogner or Ryan McNicholas