University Councils List

Budget Advisory Council

The Budget Advisory Council helps shape the University's priorities and achieve the goals outlined in the YSU 2020 Strategic Plan. The Council serves in an advisory capacity to the President regarding budget issues and funding priorities. Council members represent the entire campus community, and communicate to and provide feedback from their various constituent groups.

Meeting agendas and minutes


Martin Abraham, provost; Connie Augustine-Thompson, instructor, Accounting and Finance; Jeffrey T. Coldren, chair and professor, Psychology; Carly Devenburgh (APAS), International Progras; Gabriella Gessler, Student Government President; Amy Gordon, manager, Comprehensive Testing Center; Eddie Howard, associate vice president for Student Experience; Charles Howell, dean, Beeghly College of Education; Elaine Jacobs, associate athletic director; Ken Learman, professor, Physical Therapy; Neal McNally, vice president for Finance and Administration; Lisa Mudryk (ACE), Procurement Services; Tomi Ovaska, associate professor, Economics; Leonard Schiavone, Board of Trustees; Jacob Schriner-Briggs, Student Government vice president; Jeff Tyus, associate professor, Communications; Thomas Wakefield, associate professor, Mathematics.

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Excellence Steering (YES) Committee

In response to the Great Colleges to Work for Survey results released Fall 2016, the Office of the Provost and the Academic Senate jointly formed the YES Committee to address the concerns identified. The committee is composed of faculty, staff, students, trustees, and part-time faculty. The evaluates suggestions for improvement, identify those actions already underway, prioritize further action into immediate, short, and long-term initiatives, communicate with appropriate constituencies, and facilitate the implementation of these initiatives.

Meeting agendas, minutes and other documents

Martin Abraham (Co-Chair), Rayann Atway (Student), Chet Cooper (Co-Chair), Ramesh Dangol (Faculty), Rosalyn Donaldson (Staff), Adam Earnheardt (Faculty), Meghan J Fortner (Part-time Faculty), Connie Frisby (Staff), Holly Jacobs (Administration), Neal McNally, (Administration), Maura Picciano (Staff), Ted Roberts (Board of Trustees), Carole Weimer (Board of Trustees), Mary Yacovone (Faculty)

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Graduate Council

Duties of the YSU Graduate Council includes: review and make recommendations to the Dean of Graduate Studies and/or the Graduate Faculty on policies and regulations of the College of Graduate Studies, including the composition, nature, and functions of Graduate Council; review and approve/disapprove all new graduate courses and graduate programs, including changes in courses and programs; review and make recommendations to the Dean of Graduate Studies on nominations for membership in the graduate faculty; make recommendations on specific problems of College of Graduate Studies operations properly brought before Council; serve as a channel of communication between the graduate faculty and the Dean of Graduate Studies; serve as the executive committee of the College of Graduate Studies between meetings of the graduate faculty; make such studies and take such actions as it deems necessary and proper to foster the development of graduate work of high quality at Youngstown State University.


Samuel Adu-Poku, Art, CCAC Grad Program Director, Paul Louth, Music, CCAC CGS Committee, Laura Beadling, English, CLASS CGS Committee, Dolores Sisco, American Studies, CLASS Grad Program Director, Gail Saunders-Smith, Teacher Education, Education At-large, Matthew Paylo, Counseling, Education Grad Program Director, Lauren Cummins, Teacher Education, Education CGS Committee, John Hazy, Criminal Justice and Forensic Science, HHS CGS Committee, Valerie O’Dell, Nursing, HHS Graduate Program Director, Virgil Solomon, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, STEM CGS Committee, Mark Womble, Biological Sciences, STEM Grad Program Director, Patrick J. Bateman, Management, WCBA Grad Program Director, Kendra Fowler, Marketing, WCBA CGS Committee, Student Representative

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YSU Foundation Board of Trustees

The origins of the YSU Foundation date back to the fall of 1966, when Howard Jones, who had served as president of Youngstown College and Youngstown University for 35 years, had just set into motion the transformation of the private Youngstown University to the public Youngstown State University. Seeking to protect the University’s private endowment, Jones established a separate, independent organization, “The Youngstown Educational Foundation.” In 1983, the Foundation’s name was changed to “The Youngstown State University Foundation,” all the while maintaining its autonomy and independence from the University. The YSU Foundation is classified as a 501 (c) (3) public charity. Gifts and bequests to the Foundation are tax deductible.

In 2014, the University and the Foundation’s Board of Trustees came to an agreement for the Foundation to provide all development operations on behalf of the University and the Foundation. The YSU Foundation is now the designated philanthropic entity of Youngstown State University.


Peter J. Asimakopoulos, Eugenia C. Atkinson, A. Gary Bitonte, Susan Briney, Raymond J. Briya, Lee Burdman, Anthony M. Cafaro, Sr., Thomas J. Cavalier, Y. T. Chiu, Jr., Domenic L. Constantini, Alan W. Cope, Millicent S. Counts, Rex A. Ferry, Alfred J. Fleming, Thomas J. Fleming, John F. Geletka, James J. Geller, Stephen Gurgovits, Frank Hierro, Honorable Nathaniel R. Jones, Benjamin Keck, Jocelyne Kollay Linsalata, Garry L. Mrozek, Edward W. Muransky, Jude J. Nohra, Carl A. Nunziato, Anthony Payiavlas, John L. Pogue, William Poole. William A. Russell, Mary Pat Salomone, Richard J. Schiraldi, Theodore Schmidt, James H. Sisek, Clarence R. Smith, Jr., Douglas V. Sweeney, Richard B. Thompson, Frank C. Watson, Andrew “Jack” Weller, Paul J. Williams, Stuart Wise.

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University Administrative Council

The University Administrative Council consists of administrative- and supervisory-level staff and meets on a regular basis to review timely university issues.

Meetings: Oct. 9, 2015; Nov. 6, 2015; Jan. 7, 2016; April 8, 2016; Nov. 21, 2016; April 18, 2017;

Members: James Tressel President; Martin Abraham Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Kevin Ball Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Planning; Claire Berardini Associate Provost for Student Success; Kristine Blair Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; Alan Boggs Director, Labor Relations; Joy Pokabla Byers Director, Campus Recreation; Catherine Cala Director of Development; Ron Cole Public Information Officer; Amy Cossentino Director, Honors College; Katrena Davidson Controller; Susan Davis Director, Undergraduate Admissions; Erin Driscoll Director, Student Activities; Kate Fitzgerald Director, Housing & Residence Life; Jeanne Herman, Registrar; Eddie Howard, Jr. Associate Vice President for Student Experience; Charles Howell Dean, Beeghly College of Education; Mike Hripko Associate Vice President for Research; John Hyden Executive Director, Facilities; Sylvia Imler Associate Vice President for Multicultural Affairs; Holly Jacobs Vice President and General Counsel; Cynthia Kravitz Director, Equal Opportunity & Policy Compliance; Jacquelyn LeViseur Director, Alumni and Events Management; Betty Jo Licata Dean, Williamson College of Business Administration; Neal McNally Vice President for Finance and Business Operations; Ross Morrone Director of Marketing; Joseph Mosca Dean, Bitonte College of Health and Human Services; Nathan Myers Associate Provost, International Programs Office; Phyllis Paul Dean, College of Creative Arts and Communication; Kevin Reynolds Chief Human Resources Officer; Elaine Ruse Director, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships; Sal Sanders Dean, School of Graduate Studies & Research; Wim Steelant Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; Ron Strollo Executive Director, Intercollegiate Athletics; Gary D. Swegan Associate Vice President for Enrollment Planning & Management; Shannon Tirone Associate Vice President for University Relations; Ana Torres Interim Director, Maag Library; Becky Varian Director, Center for Student Progress; John Young Director, Kilcawley Center; Jim Yukech Associate Vice President for Technology and Chief Information Officer; Shawn Varso Chief, YSU Police.

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Labor Management Council

The Youngstown State University Labor Management Council’s mission is to lead in the creation of a dynamic and effective working climate on campus by: Fostering communication based on honesty, trust, and mutual respect; Providing a safe forum for administration, faculty, and staff to identify their needs, concerns and specific challenges that they face; Convening focused and collaborative leadership dialogues on critical challenges and inventive solutions commensurate with those challenges; Making recommendations that will sustain healthy communication, increase employee satisfaction, and lead to positive growth for the university as a whole. Meetings and minutes:

Members: Student Government, Rayann Atway OEA, Albert “AJ” Sumell APAS, Edward Villone Admininistration, Neal McNally Administration, *Martin Abraham Human Resources, Kevin Reynolds Faculty Relations, Vacant ACE, *Connie Frisby FOP, Shawn Varso
