2023 Registered STEM Showcase Projects

Project Title Project Category
Production and Cost Analysis of DME for Transportation Chemical Engineering 
SAE Baja Powertrain Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Mahoning Valley Reproductive Health Pediatric Care Service and Policy Analysis Biological Sciences
Designing lean manufacturing methodologies using integrated discrete event simulation and machine learning for small additive manufacturers Industrial Systems Engineering 
Low Velocity Impact Testing Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Digital Temperature Monitor Electrical and Computer Engineering 
The mathematics behind medical imaging  Mathematics and Statistics
Meta Analysis on Stormwater Management Strategies Environmental Science
The Application of 2D and 3D Prints into STEM Educational Puzzle  Mathematics and Statistics
Structural Health Monitoring of Active Magnetic Bearings Through the Internet of Things Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Immobilization of vegetable catalase using chemically modified or cross-linked chitosan films Chemistry 
Fair Odds Projections in Horse Racing Mathematics and Statistics
Effectiveness of Various Materials used for Phosphate Removal from Water Geology and Environmental Sciences 
Password Encryption and Security Computer Science and Information Systems 
Simulating Particle-Based Physics Using a Graph Neural Network Through Python Computer Science and Information Systems 
Investigating Mechanical Properties of Pi-Conjugated Polymers with Varying Amounts of Dopant Chemical Engineering 
Frequency and Severity of Airline Delays Mathematics and Statistics
Development of a Method to Evaluate Trace Metals in Environmental Sediment Samples by an ICP MS Approach Chemistry 
Additive Manufacturing Using Copper Screen Printing and IDS Aerosol Jet Printing Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Heat Engine Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
The Development, Design and Manufacturing of a Heavyweight Combat Robot Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Electrochemical Detection of Multiple Heavy Metal Ions Using a Metal Organic Framework and Biohybrid Nanocomposite Modified Electrodes Chemical Engineering 
Capacitance Sensors for Biomedical Applications Involving Hydrocephalus Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Laser Treatment of Metallic Particles to Kill Bacteria Biological Sciences
Tissue-specific expression of dopamine-related genes in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis Biological Sciences
Spectral Clustering Algorithms and their Applications Mathematics and Statistics
Firmware Development for a Bluetooth Low-Energy Data-Acquisition Device Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Designing lean manufacturing methodologies using integrated discrete event simulation and machine learning for small additive manufacturers   Industrial Systems Engineering 
Production and Cost Analysis of Dimethyl Ether for Transportation Chemical Engineering 
Lunar City Power Microgrid Design Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Optimizing Central Boiler and Steam Plant Operations with Data Analysis and New Qualitative Tools Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Robotic Prosthetic Arm Design Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Penguin Baja Racing Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Butech Bliss Hydraulic Press Scale-Up Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Aerospace DC Generator Cooling System Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Redesign of Existing Seam Welder To Improve Client’s Overall Marketability Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Design of Below-The-Hook Double Roll Lifter Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
40-Ton L-Shaped Coil Car for SES Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
The Superstorm Vacuum Attachment Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Crane Wheel Change-Out Device Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Penguin High Power Rocketry  Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Lift Axle Adaptation Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
College Students and their Circadian Rhythm: Developing a Research-Based Program Biological Sciences
Magnetic Field and Chirp Asymmetry Physics and Astronomy
AIAA Design, Build, Fly 2023 Competition Team Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge Civil/Construction Engineering /Civil Engineering Technology 
Exploratory Big Data Visualization using an automated containerized Spark cluster Computer Science and Information Systems 
The Optimization of a Commercial Vehicle Turntable Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Pneumatic Paint Banding Machine Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology 
Analysis of Dormitory Wastewater for Levels of SARS-CoV-2 Biological Sciences