Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I determine if my program or activity is included in this policy?
A: A program or activity must meet three criteria to be considered a Covered Program under this policy:
- operated by the University on or off campus, or a third-party using University Facilities,
- involves minor participants, and
- parents or guardians are not expected to be responsible for the care, custody, or control of the participants.
Q: Are student organizations included in this policy?
A: Yes, any group hosting an event on campus which meets the criteria in the policy as a Covered Program is covered by this policy.
Q: The policy says background checks performed by a third-party service are insufficient for this policy. What does that mean?
A: To be in compliance with this policy, background checks must be performed directly through BCI or the FBI, not through a company who runs separate checks. These direct checks can be obtained at the YSU campus Police
Q: Who pays for background checks?
A: This is up to the individual program. Some programs pay for the checks for their staff and volunteers, while others require the individuals to pay themselves. This is not directed by this policy.
Q: The staff for my camp will not be local until the start of the camp. How can they initiate the background check process elsewhere?
A: The Ohio Attorney General website allows a search for locations by zip code.
Q: How do I obtain background checks for international staff and students?
A: Background checks for international staff and students can be obtained the same as defined in the policy and on the background check webpage through the FBI check.
Q: I recently had a BCI background check sent to another employer. Can I get a copy of that check to provide to YSU for this policy?
A: If the check was completed within the last 12 months, you can request a copy for yourself on the Ohio Attorney General’s website.
Q: I received a background check to work at another location or volunteer at my local school, can I provide a paper copy to meet the requirement of this policy?
A: Yes, copies of BCI or FBI background checks performed within the last 12 months are considered acceptable to meet the requirements of this policy.
Q: Where do I have background check results sent?
A: Check with your Program Administrator. Program administrators are responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy for their programs. Background check results should be sent to the Program Administrator, or the person they designate to receive them