• BSAS in Criminal Justice


    Coursework or Credit by Exam upon Entry as a Freshman
    YSU Course Subject and TitleCreditsYSU Course Subject and TitleCredits
    ENGL 1550 Writing 13CHEM 1515/1515L General Chemistry 1 (NS)4
    ENGL 1551 Writing 23PSYC 1560 (Gen Ed elective)3
    SOC 1500 Introduction to Sociology (SS)3ENGL 1590 Introduction to Literature (AH)3
    PHYS 1501/1501L Fundamentals of Physics 1 and lab (NS)5CJFS 1500 Introduction to Criminal Justice (SS)3
    Total hours completed: 27 hours
    Year 1 Fall Semester CoursesCreditsSpring Semester CoursesCredits
    CJFS 2601Policing3CJFS 2603 Corrections3
    CJFS 2602 Criminal Courts3CJFS 3710 Social Statistics3
    COMM 1545 Communication Foundations3CJFS 3720 Legal Research3
    MATH 2623 Survey of Mathematics3PHIL 2625 Introduction to Professional Ethics (AH)3
    Social and Personal Awareness course3Social and Personal Awareness course3
    HAHS 1500 Introduction to BCHHS1  
    Year 2 Fall Semester CoursesCreditsSpring Semester CoursesCredits
    CJFS 3712 Criminal Justice Research3CJFS 3719 Criminal Law3
    CJFS 3715 Criminal Justice Management Concepts3CJFS 3735 Crime and Delinquency3
    CJFS 3721 Evidence3CJFS elective (upper division)3
    AHLT 1502 Applied Pathophysiology4General Electives (upper division)9
    General Elective (upper division)3  
    Year 3 Fall Semester CoursesCreditsSpring Semester CoursesCredits
    CJFS 5825 Criminal Proc. & Constitutional Issues3CJFS 4890 Judicial Administration (capstone)3
    CJFS elective3CJFS elective3
    CJFS elective (4000 or 5000 level)3Additional CJFS elective3
    General Electives (upper division)9General Electives (upper division)6
  • BSAS in Exercise Science


    Coursework or Credit by Exam upon Entry as a Freshman
    YSU Course Subject and TitleCreditsYSU Course Subject and TitleCredits
    ENGL 1550 Writing 13CHEM 1515/1515L General Chemistry 1 (Gen Ed elective)4
    ENGL 1551 Writing 23General Education Arts and Humanities Course3
    CMST 1545 Communication Foundations3ENGL 2618 American Literature and Diversity (SPA)3
    HIST 2605 Turning Points in U.S. History 1 (SS)3PSYC 1560 General Psychology (SS)3
    Total hours completed: 28 hours
    Year 1 Fall Semester CoursesCreditsSpring Semester CoursesCredits
    MATH 2623 Survey of Math3BIOL 1552/L Anatomy & Physiology II3
    BIOL 1551/L Anatomy & Physiology I4MATH 2623 Survey of Mathematics3
    CSIS 1514 Business Computer Systems3PHYS 1501/L Fundamentals I5
    FNUT 1551 Normal Nutrition (SPA)3HPES 1560 Resistance Training1
    HPES 1595 Introduction & Concepts of PE & EX Science2HPES 2625 Pedagogical Aspects of Exercise Science3
    HPES 1559 Aerobic Conditioning Activities2HPES 15XX Physical Activity Elective1
    Year 2 Fall Semester CoursesCreditsSpring Semester CoursesCredits
    HPES 2605 Sports First Aid & Injury Prevention3HPES 3720/L Kinesiology & Applied Anatomy4
    HPES 3700 Exercise Testing & Prescription 14HPES 3730 Exercise Testing & Prescription II4
    HPES 3705 Research Design & Statistics in Exercise Science3Electives9
    HPES 3710/L Physiology of Exercise5  
    General Education Arts and Humanities Course3  
    Year 3 Fall Semester CoursesCreditsSpring Semester CoursesCredits
    HPES 3760 Strength Training & Conditioning3HPES 4880 Internship8
    HPES 4805 Exercise Program Administration4Electives4
    HPES 4810 Exercise Testing & Prescription III5  
  • Accordion 3

    Panel 3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.