Dr. Rangamohan Eunni

Dr. Rangamohan Eunni - profile photo

Dr. Rangamohan Eunni


Management & Marketing

Williamson Hall 3379

phone: (330) 941-7180



Rangamohan Eunni earned Doctor of Business Administration in Strategic Management from Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. His research interests are entrepreneurship and small business strategies in emerging markets. He teaches strategic management and leadership courses in the undergraduate and MBA programs.

Research Interests

small and medium size enterprises
small business strategies
emerging markets

Teaching Interests

strategic management
International business
emerging economies

  • Education
    • 2003

      DBA, Strategic Management

      Boston University

    • 1997

      MS, Fiscal Studies

      University of Bath

    • Other

      Jawaharlal Nehru University

    • Other

      Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

  • Awards and Honors
    • 2016

      Distinguished Professor of Scholarship (2012 & 2006), Distinguished Professor of Teaching (2007), and Research Professorship (2009 & 2015) at YSU.

    • 2011

      Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society for academic excellence

    • 2011

      Highly Commended Award Winner: Emerald Literati Network, 2011.

    • 2011

      "Outstanding Reviewer": Eastern Academy of Management 2011 Conference, Boston, MA.

    • 2010

      The Emerging Markets Initiative was commended by the AACSB as an example of “exceptionally effective practices that demonstrate leadership and high quality continuous improvement in management education” and recognized as a best practice “that may be of interest to other management educators”, 2010.

    • 2010

      International Journal of Emerging Markets: runners-up in the Best New Journal category in the Emerald Group in 2010.

    • 2009

      “Best Paper”: Annual American Business Research Conference 2009, New York, NY.

    • 2008

      Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(1): 203-218 ranked among the top 10 downloaded articles in 2008

    • 2007

      Secured for the Emerging Markets Initiative the Ohio Governor’s Excellence in Exporting Award 2007 in recognition of the international initiatives launched at YSU.

    • 2007

      Ohio Magazine’s “Honoring Ohio’s Best - Excellence in Education” award, 2007

    • 2007

      International Journal of Emerging Markets Special Issue: Highly recommended, 2007.

    • 2007

      Awarded early tenure at YSU in 2007, promoted to Associate Professorship in 2008 and to full Professorship in 2012 on the basis of “consistently outstanding performance in teaching, scholarship and service”.

    • 2005

      University-wide award for “superior success in obtaining external funding” at YSU, 2005

    • 2005

      Three back-to-back US Department of Education Title VIB grants totaling $ 541K for a project entitled the Emerging Markets Initiative at YSU for the period 2005-13.

    • 2005

      The high impact activities launched under the Emerging Markets Initiative during 2005-2011 were instrumental in the declaration of YSU/WCBA as an Ohio Center of Excellence in International Business in 2011.

    • 2004

      Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society

    • 2001

      “Best Paper" in Public and Nonprofit Management Division”, Academy of Management, Washington, D.C. 2001 Conference. Finalist for the all-Academy award

    • 2001

      Best DBA Instructor 2001 at Boston University

  • Professional Positions
    • 2012 -

      Youngstown State University


    • 2007 - 2011

      Youngstown State University

      Associate Professor

    • 2003 - 2006

      Youngstown State University

      Assistant Professor

  • Administrative Assignments
    • 2013 - 2020

      Department Chairperson

  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2024

      "Aligning Cooperative Supply Chain Relationships with Firm Strategy: A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis"

      R. Dangol, R. Eunni, P. Bateman, A. Marculetiu

      Management Research Review, volume 47, issue 8, p. 1268-1285

    • 2017

      "Modeling Innovation in SMEs and Performance"

      R. Eunni

      4th International Conference on Current Research in Applied Business and Social Sciences

    • 2016

      "Framing Effect of Price Promotions on Consumer Choice: Evidence from Brazil"

      M. Schreiner, C. Felisoni de Angelo , R. Eunni

      International Journal of Economics and Business, volume 5, issue 1, p. 66-83

    • 2013

      "The Daily Deals Industry: A Case Study"

      W. Vendemia, A. Kos, R. Eunni

      Journal of International Business and Economics/EBSCO Information Services, volume 13, issue 4, p. 195-208

    • 2013

      "The Mobile Apps Industry: A Case Study."

      T. Rakestraw, R. Eunni, R. Kasuganti

      Journal of Business Cases and Applications, p. 1-26

    • 2013

      "Institutions and Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of University Students’ Perceptions in Nine Emerging Economies"

      R. Eunni, T. Manolova

      Academy of International Business Special Meeting

    • 2013

      "Institutional Context for Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: A Nine-Country Comparison of University Students’ Perceptions."

      R. Eunni, T. Manolova

      Modern Competition Journal, volume ume 6, p. 118 - 138

    • 2012

      "Institutions and Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: A Four-Country Comparison of University Youth Perceptions."

      T. Manolva, R. Eunni

      The 7th International Scientific Conference on Business and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

    • 2012

      "Does Quality Matter? ISO 9000 Certification and Firm Performance in Brazil."

      F. Starke, R. Eunni, M. Foulto, C. Felisoni

      Management Research Review, volume 20, issue 0, p. 974-997

    • 2012

      "Are the BRIC Economies Entrepreneur-Friendly? An Institutional Perspective."

      R. Eunni, T. Manolova

      Journal of Enterprising Culture, volume 20, issue 2, p. 171-202

    • 2011

      "Entrepreneurship in the BRIC Economies: Role of The Institutional Environment"

      R. Eunni, T. Manolova

      Eastern Academy of Management 2011 Conference

    • 2011

      "Computer Skills, Non-Routine Tasks, and Wage Premium: A Longitudinal Study."

      G. Peng, R. Eunni

      Journal of Strategic Information Systems, volume 20, issue 4, p. 449-460

    • 2010

      "Institutional Environments for Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Brazil Vs Mexico."

      R. Eunni

      World Journal of Management, volume 2, issue 1, p. 1-18

    • 2010

      "Exploring the Dynamics of Innovation in High-Tech Industries: An Ecological Perspective."

      B. Karpak, C. Kaya, R. Eunni

      International Academy of Business and Economics IABE-2010 Annual Conference

    • 2010

      "Exploring the Dynamics of Innovation in High-Tech Industries: An Ecological Perspective."

      B. Karpak, C. Kaya, R. Eunni

      Review of Business Research, volume 10, issue 5, p. 42-53

    • 2010

      "Determinants of FDI in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Brazil"

      C. Felisoni, R. Eunni, . Fouto

      International Journal of Commerce and Management, volume 20, issue 3, p. 203-216

    • 2009

      "Institutional Environments for Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the BRIC Economies"

      R. Eunni, T. Manolova

      Academy of Management 2009 Conference, Chicago, IL

    • 2009

      "Institutional Environments for Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Brazil Vs Mexico"

      R. Eunni

      Annual American Business Research Conference,

    • 2009

      "Competing in Emerging Markets: The Search for a New Paradigm."

      R. Eunni

      Western New England Law Review,Special Issue on Globalization and Entrepreneurship, volume 31, issue 3, p. 611-624

    • 2008

      "Institutional Environments for Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Emerging Economies in Eastern Europe"

      T. Manolva, R. Eunni, B. Gyoshev

      Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, volume 32, issue 1, p. 203-218

    • 2008

      "Determinants of FDI in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Brazil."

      C. Felisoni, R. Eunni, M. Fouto

      Academy of International Business Annual Meeting

    • 2007

      "What Matters Most? A Review of MNE Literature, 1990-2000."

      R. Eunni, J. Post

      Multinational Business Review, volume 14, issue 3, p. 1-28

    • 2007

      "SMEs in emerging markets – an overview"

      R. Eunni, C. Brush, R. Kasuganti

      International Journal of Emerging Markets, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, volume 2, issue 2

    • 2007

      "Modeling Steel Futures: An Empirical Study using Spot Price and Convenience Yield."

      R. Ulam, S. Liu, R. Eunni

      Academy of Finance Annual Conference 2007

    • 2007

      "Modeling Steel Futures: An Empirical Study using Spot Price and Convenience Yield."

      R. Ulam, S. Liu, R. Eunni

      Journal of Contemporary Business Issues, volume 15, issue 1, p. 1-12

    • 2007

      "International Competitiveness of SMEs in Emerging Markets: An Alternative Perspective."

      R. Eunni, R. Kasuganti

      Academy of International Business- Mid-West Annual Meeting 2007

    • 2007

      "Institutional environments for entrepreneurship: Evidence from transition economies in East-Central Europe"

      T. Manolva, R. Eunni, B. Gyoshev

      ETP Special Issue World Conference on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets

    • 2007

      "Innovation in International Business Education: Small Business Case Studies"

      R. Eunni

      IBEC-CIBER-UConn Symposium

    • 2007

      "Influence of Entrepreneur’s Social Networks on Performance of SMEs: Exploratory Case Studies from Brazil."

      R. Eunni

      International Business and Economy Conference

    • 2007

      "Impact of Loyalty Programs on Customer Retention: Evidence from the Retail Apparel Industry in Brazil"

      C. Felisoni, L. Favero, R. Eunni

      Association of Global Business Annual Conference

    • 2007

      "Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: An Institutional Perspective"

      R. Eunni, T. Manolova, B. Gyoshev

      Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2007

    • 2007

      "Competitiveness of SMEs in the US Retail Sector: Illustrative Case Studies from Northeast Ohio"

      R. Eunni, M. Rao

      International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference

    • 2007

      "Competitiveness of SMEs in the US Retail Sector"

      R. Eunni, M. Rao

      Review of Business Research,, volume 7, issue 1, p. 46-57

    • 2006

      "Modeling Customer Preferences: The Automobile Market in Brazil."

      . Favero, C. Felisoni, A. Kos, R. Eunni

      International Journal of Management, volume 23, issue 2, p. 312-320

    • 2006

      "Modeling Consumer Preferences: The Desktop PC Industry in Brazil."

      M. Fouto, C. De Angelo, R. Eunni

      International Journal of Business Research, volume 5, issue 2

    • 2006

      "Modeling Consumer Preferences: The Desktop PC Industry in Brazil"

      M. Fouto, C. DeAngelo, R. Eunni

      Academy of International Business and Economics 2006 Annual Conference

    • 2006

      "Knowledge Management Processes in International Business Alliances: A Review of Empirical Research, 1990-2003"

      R. Eunni, R. Kasuganti, A. Kos

      International Journal of Management, volume 23, issue 1, p. 34-42

    • 2005

      "Adapt or Adapt: Lessons for Strategy from the US Telecoms Industry"

      R. Eunni, J. Post, P. Berger

      Journal of General Management, volume 31, p. 83-105

    • 2005

      "Strategic Adaptation: An Integrated View"

      R. Eunni, J. Post

      Eastern Academy of Management 2005 Conference

    • 2005

      "Macroeconomic Reformation or Entrepreneurial Transformation? Privatization Experiences in Latin America and Eastern Europe"

      R. Eunni, U. Rangan

      Academy of International Business 2005 Annual Meeting, Q

    • 2005

      "Intentions, Institutions and Venture Growth: An Exploratory Study of SMEs in Brazil"

      R. Eunni, R. Kasuganti, C. Felisoni

      Academy of International Business Northeast USA Chapter

    • 2005

      "Determinants of Multinational Transfer Pricing Strategies"

      R. Eunni, C. Brush

      Journal of Global Business, volume 16, issue 32, p. 39-46

    • 2005

      "Academic and Practitioner Perspectives on Performance: Is there a Disconnect?"

      R. Eunni, R. Kasuganti

      British Academy of Management Annual Meeting

    • 2004

      "Exploring the Relationship between Trade Flows, FDI Flows, and International Tax Treaties: An Empirical Study of the US Tax Treaties with Germany, China, and Mexico"

      R. Eunni

      Business Association of Latin American Studies Conference

    • 2002

      "What Matters Most? A Review of MNE Literature, 1990-2000"

      R. Eunni, J. Post

      Academy of Management

    • 2001

      "Schools of Thought in Strategic Management: An Attempt at Integration to Meet the Criteria of Legitimization and Classification"

      R. Eunni, U. Rangan

      International Management Conference 2001

    • 2001

      "How Government Matters: Strategic Decision Making in Public Bureaucracies that Impact Private Enterprises"

      R. Eunni, J. Mahon

      Academy of Management Washington, D. C. 2001 Conference

    • 2001

      "Determinants of Stability of Strategic Alliances"

      R. Eunni, T. Kohn, U. Rangan

      Eastern Academy of Management International Conference 2001

    • 2000

      "Determination of an Optimal Transfer Price for Multinational Enterprises"

      R. Eunni, P. Berger

      The Journal of the Industrial Mathematics Society, 49, Part 1, 11-26, volume 49, issue 1, p. 11-26

  • Professional Service
    • 2012 - 2013

      U.S. Department of Education Technical Advisory Group

    • 2012 - 2020

      Editor, Senior Editor
      International Journal of Emerging Markets

    • 2010 - 2011

      Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference

    • 2010 - 2013

      US Department of Education CIBER (Centers for International Business Education and Research) Competitio

    • 2009 - 2010

      US Department of Education Business and International Education) Competition

    • 2009 - 2010

      Academy of International Business Midwest Chapter Conference

    • 2008 - 2023

      Editorial Review Board Member
      International Journal of Business Excellence (Inderscience)

    • 2007 - 2012

      Editor, Journal Editor
      International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald)

    • 2006 - 2007

      Networks and Global Venturing” at the Academy of International Business

    • 2005 - 2005

      Special Forum on “Issues Faced by Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Emerging Markets” at the Academy of International Business Northeast USA Chapter Conference

    • 2005 - 2005

      Scholarly presentations session on “Context of Global Business: The Environment & Multinational Performance” at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting

    • 2005 - 2012

      Academy of International Business Annual Meetings

    • 2004 - 2005

      Academy of International Business Northeast USA Chapter Conference

    • 2004 - 2010

      Academy of Management Annual Meetings

    • 2003 - 2013

      Academy of Management Journal

    • 2003 - 2014

      Academy of Management

  • Public Service
    • 2010 - 2011

      interactive International Business module for High School students to encourage them to pursue Business/IB as a career

    • 2010 - 2013

      Summer Honors Institute International Business Workshop for High School Students

    • 2009 - 2010

      Breakfast with the Brazilians

    • 2008 - 2009

      International Business Workshops for High School Students

    • 2007 - 2011

      Women’s Entrepreneurship Workshops in collaboration with the Partners for Workplace Diversity and the US Department of Educatio

    • 2005 - 2008

      Breakfast Seminars for Northeast Ohio businesspersons on Exploring Business Opportunities in Eastern Europe, Hungary, Brazil, Mexico, Korea and South Asia with faculty experts from Corvinus University of Budapest, University of Maine, Suffolk U, West Texas A&M U, Boston U, and the U of Sao Paulo, Brazil