"Scenario analysis for assessing the impact of hydraulic fracturing on stream low flows using the SWAT model"
A. Shrestha, S. Sharma, C. McLean, B. Kelly, S. Martin
Hydrological Sciences Journal, volume 62, issue 5, p. 849--861
"Impact of global climate change on stream low flows in a hydraulic fracking affected watershed"
S. Sharma, A. Shrestha, C. McLean
Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering, volume 5, issue 1
"Diatom assemblages in a reservoir sediment core track land-use changes and other activities on the watershed."
L. Schroeder, S. Martin, G. Kerns, C. McLean
J Paleolimnol, Springer
"Hydrologic modeling to evaluate the impact of hydraulic fracturing on stream low flows: challenges and opportunities for a simulation study"
S. Sharma, A. Shrestha, C. McLean, S. Martin
American Journal of Environmental Sciences, volume 11, issue 4, p. 199