Dr. G. Jay Kerns
Mathematics & Statistics
Cafaro Hall 620
phone: (330) 941-3310
Awards and Honors
Youngstown State University
Distinguished Professorship Award
For Excellence in University Service
Glenville State College
Outstanding Young Alumnus Award
In recognition of my early and remarkable success in higher education.
Youngstown State University
Distinguished Professorship Award
For Excellence in Teaching.
Mathematical Association of America
Project NExT Fellow
Fellowship for New Experiences in Teaching.
Administrative Assignments
2016 - present
Intellectual Contributions
"A characterization of signed discrete infinitely divisible distributions"
H. Zhang, G. Kerns, B. Li
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, volume 54, issue 4, p. 446-470
"Calibration Experiments for a Computer Vision Oyster Volume Estimation System"
G. Chang, G. Kerns, D. Lee, G. Stanek
Journal of Statistics Education, volume 17, issue 2
"Diatom assemblages in a reservoir sediment core track land-use changes and other activities on the watershed."
L. Schroeder, S. Martin, G. Kerns, C. McLean
J Paleolimnol, Springer
"On generalized Sarmanov bivariate distributions"
I. Bairamov, B. Altinsoy, G. Kerns
TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, volume 1, issue 1, p. 86-97
"Implementation of the Comprehensive Assessment Toolbox for Stroke in a Medical System"
N. Landgraff, L. Passek, G. Kerns
REHABILITATION NURSING, volume 34, issue 2, p. 74-82
"Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Trunk Proprioception in Subjects with Chronic Low Back Pain During Symptom Remission"
K. Learman, J. Myers, S. Lephart, T. Sell, G. Kerns, C. Cook
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, volume 32, issue 2, p. 118-135