Research Support Offered
- Grant Writing Support: contact Dr. Azadeh Masalehdan Block -
- Annual Research Symposium: contact Dr. Dennis Morawski -
- Statistical Support: contact Dr. Kenneth Learman -
- CEU subcommittee: contact Dr. Sherri Harper Woods -
Federal Funding
National Institutes of Health
This search engine will allow the user to such all RFA (research funding announcements) for all of the NIH institutes.
A repository of RFA (research funding announcements) for a variety of federal entities that provide research funding to faculty at research universities.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration- SAMHSA
SAMHSA makes grant funds available through the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, and the Center for Mental Health Services. Find funding opportunities that support programs for substance use disorders and mental illness, and learn about the grant application, review, and management process.
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (formerly NARSAD)
A NARSAD Grant is one of the highest distinctions in the field of mental health research. Many investigators go on to receive larger federal and private grants based on their NARSAD Grant projects. Basic and/or clinical investigators are supported.
NARSAD Young Investigator Grant
This grant supports scientists at the advanced post-doctoral or assistant professor (or equivalent) level. Grants are up to $60,000 over a two-year period, or $30,000/year. Every Young Investigator gets support and guidance from a scientific mentor designated by the Scientific Council.
NARSAD Independent Investigator Grant
This grant supports scientists at the associate professor (or equivalent) level. Grants are up to $100,000 over a two-year period, or $50,000/year.
NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Grant
This grant supports scientists at the full professor (or equivalent) level. Grants are up to $100,000 for one year.
Foundation Funding
Athens Foundation
Does your project comply with the Athens Foundation's mission, which is to "enhance the quality of life of people of our region through building endowments, awarding grants and providing leadership on key community issues now and for generations to come"?
Charles F. Brush Foundation - Cleveland & Northeast Ohio
The Brush Foundation prioritizes reproductive health issues over considerations of geography when considering funding. However, the foundation has historically awarded a portion of its funds to organizations in Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.
Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
Educators and Nonprofits Invited to Apply to AEP Access to Environmental Education Fund Mini-grant funding is now available for educators and nonprofits looking to introduce youth to the environment. These mini-grants have supported varied projects and lessons across the region. In 2013, students at New Philadelphia High School developed Forest Stories through their biology class.
The Hamilton Foundation
A variety of funding options available to non-profit organizations. See website for details.
The Joyce Foundation
The Joyce Foundation's program areas are Education, Employment, Environment, Culture, Democracy and Gun Violence Prevention. Grant making focuses on initiatives that promise to have an impact on the Great Lakes region, specifically the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. A limited number of environment grants are made to organizations in Canada. Education grant making in K-12 focuses on Chicago, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis. The Employment Program primarily focuses on federal and state policy grants, but will make some grants to support targeted metro-level progress in Chicago, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis/St. Paul. Culture grants are primarily focused in the City of Chicago, except for the Joyce Awards, which extend to other Midwest cities. The Foundation does not generally support capital proposals, endowment campaigns, religious activities, commercial ventures, direct-service programs, or scholarships. - See more at:
Komen Northeast Ohio
Komen Northeast Ohio funds innovative, evidence-based projects focused on addressing one of the priorities identified in the Komen Northeast Ohio Community Profile and those that meet the Affiliate's Guiding Principles in Grantmaking. Komen-funded programs provide breast health/cancer education, outreach, screening and diagnosis, and survivorship support services not otherwise available to medically underserved populations in Northeast Ohio, which includes the following counties: Ashland, Ashtabula, Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Richland, Stark, Summit, Trumbull, Tuscarawas and Wayne Counties.
John R. McCune Charitable Trust
The Foundation's grants are assigned to one of four program areas (Education, Human Services, Humanities or Civic), but often the grants overlap disciplines. For a listing of the Foundation's grants by year, please visit the left-hand column of this page to conduct a search. To see a list of grants in each area for the previous year, please view the Foundation's Annual Report which can be found on the Financials page of this website.
Ohio Dental Association Foundation
The ODAF program grant application process is open to qualified Ohio community dental care and oral health projects. Specific criteria and examples of qualified programs are included in each year’s Program Grant Application. The 2015 application will be available in early 2015. Congratulations to the 2014 access to care grant recipients who continue to make a difference in Ohio communities!
The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation
The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation is a private family Foundation that makes grants to non-profit, charitable organizations in Northeast Ohio.
Our mission is to support non-profit organizations that adhere to excellence in their missions, creativity in approach, fiscal responsibility, and leadership in their service to the community, which ultimately makes a positive impact for the citizens of Northeast Ohio.
Areas of support: Early Childhood – Support of organizations and programs working to improve quality, standards, policies, practices and guidelines for services targeting 0-5 year-olds in the Mahoning Valley. Educational Opportunity – Support of nonprofit organizations, schools and school districts providing low-income youth in distressed, high-need communities with quality educational opportunities that encourage completion, college access and academic success. We will focus our funding on Youngstown and Warren schools. Economic Opportunity – Support of nonprofit organizations, programs, services and efforts that increase wealth of low-income populations through access to capital and investment, credit, quality jobs, job training and job placement – while building the community capacity for investment resource. Our core interest will be the inclusion of low-income populations in existing and new economic opportunities for the Mahoning Valley. Community Revitalization – Support of nonprofit organizations, programs, services and efforts that are community-driven and intended to develop and revitalize the Valley. Our core focus will be on Youngstown and Warren activities that engage residents and build their leadership capacity to improve the physical landscape. Public and Civic Sector Leadership – Support of nonprofit organizations, government entities and academic institutions working to improve the quality of leadership and decision-making among staff, elected and appointed officials and members of boards and commissions in city, township and county governments in the Mahoning Valley.
The Youngstown Foundation
The Youngstown Foundation’s grants reflect our desire to be innovative, inclusive and responsive to the needs of our local community. Each year, approximately 150 grants ranging from $1,000 to $300,000 are awarded to effective 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organizations. All grants are approved by the Foundation’s Distribution Committee.
The Youngstown Foundation administers over 40 charitable funds. Their spectrum of giving encompasses: Arts and Culture, Economic and Community Development, Education, Environment, Health and Human Services.
The Dave Thomas Foundation
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption uses grantmaking to dramatically increase adoptions of children waiting in U.S. foster care. We invest significant resources in our evidence-based program, Wendy’s Wonderful Kids. We also provide general grants to organizations with proven or innovative initiatives that further our mission.
Central Ohio
The Ann Sherry Foundation is a nonprofit corporation whose primary focus is the support of innovative ideas in public education and community involvement. It will also consider funding projects involving the improvement of international and intercultural relations and pressing social issues.
Cuyahoga County
Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation is a charitable trust dedicated to the support and advancement of healthcare, primarily in the greater Cleveland community. The Foundation awards monetary grants to qualifying institutions and agencies for initiatives designed to improve healthcare quality or delivery, for programs which provide access to healthcare to the underserved or indigent, or for medical research.
The George Gund Foundation
The history of The George Gund Foundation reflects a deep commitment to place, to the Greater Cleveland community that was the home of its founder and that remains the Foundation’s home. The Foundation’s philanthropic stewardship of this region derives not just from our history, but also from our belief that Cleveland can continue to develop original responses to urban issues and from our hope that collaborations across boundaries can create a crucible of innovation in all fields of endeavor. Moreover, the urban emphasis of our work stems from a belief that thriving cities are one of the nation’s best hopes for addressing our essential problems. This focus is especially vital in an era of diminished government involvement in urban issues, intensifying globalization and heightened awareness of the central role of regions.
Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation
The Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation seeks to assist Greater Cleveland's organizations and leaders to improve the health and well-being of the Jewish and general communities now and for generations to come.
Summit County
The GAR Foundation- Summit County (preferred)
GAR Foundation grants are awarded to Summit County (Ohio) organizations, programs, and projects that foster the needs of the community and fall within our four primary areas of giving: education, basic needs and independence, civic enhancement, and arts and culture. On a limited basis, secondary consideration may be given to applications from eligible organizations in the five adjacent counties of Cuyahoga, Medina, Portage, Stark and Wayne for work that significantly impacts Summit County residents and advances our four strategies.
*If your organization is not based in Summit County but serves Summit County residents, please read our funding requirements carefully to ensure your program is eligible for funding. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact our program officers.
Lorain County
The Nord Family Foundation
The Nord Family Foundation’s primary area of geographic interest is Lorain County, Ohio. The majority of grants are made to organizations in Lorain County or to organizations doing work that has direct outreach to or impact in Lorain County.
Grants are also made on a selective basis to organizations in areas where voting members of the Foundation reside. These currently include Boston, MA; Columbia, SC; Cuyahoga County, OH; Denver, CO; and Penn Yan, NY.