Homecoming Royalty

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YSU Homecoming Royalty

Lucy Allen
India Bailey
Faith Blankenship
Brooklyn Bokan
Nate Burnell
Xander Conrad
Carter Cook
Vincent DeSanto
Hannah Diaz-Malek
Santajah Douglass
Chloe Downey
Rayvin Gorrell
Raeghan Hilton

Adria Ingram
Larry Jenson
Julian Johnson
Melea Johnson
Donovan Leininger
Bella Maglis
Steven Mahr
Alysa Oswald
Gabbrial Perrotta
Caitlyn Sapp
Michael Sheely
Justine Snowden
Katherine Wiggins

Lucy Allen


Allen, Lucy

ORGANIZATIONS:Guinathon, Association for Women in Math, Pi Mu Epsilon, Catholic Penguins

MAJOR: Integrated Math Education

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: After graduation, I plan on starting a career teaching high school math and pursuing a master's degree in mathematics or education.

PERSONAL GOALS: Currently, my personal goals consist of raising money and awareness for Akron Children’s Hospital Mahoning Valley through Guinathon and hosting a successful Main Event in February.


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India Bailey


Bailey, India

ORGANIZATIONS: Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Black Student Union, YSU Track and Field

MAJOR: Psychology

MINOR: Sociology

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: I am graduating with my bachelor’s in psychology and a minor in sociology this spring. After graduation, I plan on returning to Youngstown State to continue my academic and athletic career as a thrower on the track team. I’ll be in pursuit of my master’s in counseling. After all of that, I want to open my own private practice as a family and marriage therapist. Although this is my ultimate goal, I believe that even after I have reached that goal there are always things to learn and ways to grow as a professional psychologist and be successful in my field of work, so I’ll spend my career chasing the excellence that my future clients deserve.

PERSONAL GOALS: Personally, I think it’s so important to advocate for the African American community, which is why I am the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. My job is to provide and support fairness within the community and even right the wrongs that may have slipped through the cracks. My goal with this is to improve campus and ensure it’s a place that everyone feels welcome and accepted no matter the color, race, or nationality.

NOMINATED BY: Student Athlete Advisory Committee

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Faith Blankenship


Blankenship, Faith

ORGANIZATIONS: Chi Alpha, Sokolov Honors College, Resident Assistant for Housing and Residence Life

MAJOR: Primary Education/Primary Intervention Specialist

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: My professional goals are to graduate with honors this spring with my Undergraduate Degree in Education and to begin Graduate School in the Fall of 2025. I am ultimately aiming to become a Primary Intervention Specialist, where I can help all future generations of students get the education they need and deserve. I believe that education is a right that every person holds, and I am committed to ensuring that all of my future students will be treated equitably in their academic careers.

PERSONAL GOALS: My personal goals revolve around creating a community where everyone feels safe, included, and happy. I strive to foster an environment around me that embraces diversity and everyone's unique abilities, allowing each individual I come across to express themselves freely and without fear of judgment. I want to routinely and actively engage with members of my community and support them in their well-being. I hope to build strong connections and let everyone I meet feel a sense of belonging. In all, I believe that a thriving community is one where everyone feels valued and empowered, and I want to be able to help others understand themselves in that way.


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Brooklyn Bokan


Bokan, Brooklyn

ORGANIZATIONS: Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, Ohio Innocence Project, FreshGuin Leadership Program, Emerging Leader Program, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, Panhellenic Council, Student Government Association

MAJOR: Criminal Justice

MINOR: Political Science

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: I chose to be a Criminal Justice Major because growing up I have always been inspired by my parent's ability to be able to help people through their line of work. After obtaining my bachelor's degree I will be pursuing a master’s degree in criminal justice with hopes of becoming a part-time professor at a university to teach Criminal Justice and Pre Law. During my time in college, I have been supported by so many amazing staff members that I want to recreate that connection. For a full-time job, I hope to follow in my mother’s footsteps and become a federal investigator. My goal is to investigate and report on gun crime while working with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). With this, I hope to lower the amount of gun crime that is on the rise in our country and keep people protected.

PERSONAL GOALS: After completing my studies at YSU I hope to continue to work in my community to bring a better quality of life for as many people as I can help. I feel as though since I am in a position that allows me to give back to others I must do so. Additionally, I would like to continue to grow my skills as a leader and develop new traits that can allow me to better myself. I have grown a lot with the positions I have been given in college and I hope to carry that passion into the workforce and with my family life. Finally, I hope that my mental and physical health can be at the center of everything that I do. It is easy to forget about yourself in the heat of the moment, so I hope to remember to do actions that are beneficial for me.

NOMINATED BY: Ohio Innocence Project

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Nate Burnell


Burnell, Nate

ORGANIZATIONS: Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, Cheer Team as the Mascot, Sokolov Honors College, and Men’s Soccer Club.

MAJOR: Mechanical Engineering

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: I will be aiming to a be a mechanical engineer working in or owing my own additive manufacturing company focusing on bringing creative solutions to interesting issues.

PERSONAL GOALS: When I graduate from Youngstown State University, I will be staying in Ohio raising a family, and hopefully creating a company.

NOMINATED BY: Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity

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Xander Conrad


Conrad, Xander

ORGANIZATIONS: Men’s Soccer Club, Men’s Volleyball Club

MAJOR: Exercise Science

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: Establish my career in orthopedic medical device sales while working on the side, as a sports performance and life coach for youth and young adult athletes. Expand my career network, building relationships with those in the same career field. Take on leadership roles to help guide and support others. Find balance between being a specialist and generalist in order to optimize my work contribution.

PERSONAL GOALS: I would love to travel the world, explore and experience the cultures and beauty of Earth. Expand my personal network, by building relationships with everyone I meet. Manage work-life balance, ensuring I equally prioritize both my career and my personal life. I strive to make a difference each and every day, even if it's as simple as making someone smile. A smile goes a long way.

NOMINATED BY: Men’s Soccer Club

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Carter Cook


Cook, Carter

ORGANIZATIONS: Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Presidential Mentors, Student Activities Student Videographer, Penguin Productions, Student Government Association

MAJOR: Multi-Media Communication

MINOR: Business Administration

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: My professional goals are to first graduate college with my bachelors in Multi-Media Communication and my minor in Business Administration. After graduation, I plan on working towards being a freelance videographer and hopefully starting my own videography business. In the future, I also plan on expanding my vehicle detailing business. I would like to own shops across the Valley and work on giving back to my community.

PERSONAL GOALS: My personal goals involve working with my fraternity, Sigma Tau Gamma, to continue to make our community a better place. I plan on creating new events for Sig Tau to give back to the community and to raise money for our philanthropy, the Special Olympics. In the fraternity, I am working towards being in our Hall of Fame and even working towards being Man of the Year, which is the highest award an undergraduate can receive. I plan on continuing my passion for community service and working towards building generations of noble men.

NOMINATED BY: Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity

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Vincent DeSanto


DeSanto, Vincent

ORGANIZATIONS: Sigma Chi Fraternity

MAJOR: Finance

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: I hope to finish my college career and sit for my CFP. My ultimate goal is to be a personal financial advisor.

PERSONAL GOALS: I hope to continue my philanthropic efforts into my future community.

NOMINATED BY: Sigma Chi Fraternity

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Hannah Diaz-Malek


Diaz-Malek, Hannah

ORGANIZATIONS: Alpha Xi Delta Sorority, Sokolov Honors College

MAJOR: Political Science and Philosophy

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: Professionally, following the completion of my undergraduate degrees in Political Science and Philosophy, I plan to go to law school. After law school, my goal is to become a children’s advocate. My prospective career has changed many times, but the common factor among all of the potential careers was that I wanted to help people. Children’s advocacy holds a special place in my heart due to past personal experiences. That is a big part of why I chose my career path and to join the organization that nominated me, Alpha Xi Delta. We work with children experiencing foster care and homelessness directly in Mahoning County by partnering with Project Making Kids Count. Alongside each other, we put together personal hygiene baskets, care kits, and help to raise money for this incredible cause.

PERSONAL GOALS: Personally, I plan to one day move to Puerto Rico and help progress the island by becoming involved in politics. Much of my family lives in beautiful Puerto Rico. There, you will find the most kind and welcoming culture. Unfortunately, the island and its people are poverty stricken in most places. I plan to help enact farming initiatives to help bring more revenue to the island, more strictly enforced laws to promote safety, among many other ideas. I have always felt at home with my family in Puerto Rico and want to implement ideas that allow others to experience that phenomenal feeling as well.

NOMINATED BY: Alpha Xi Delta Sorority

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Santajah Douglass


Douglass, Santajah


MAJOR: Psychology

MINOR: Social Work

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: My professional goals center around pursuing a career in counseling. Starting with my short-term goals: I aim to successfully complete my bachelor's, gain relevant experience, and prepare for graduate school. My long-term goals: obtain a master’s in counseling, become licensed, build a practice, become a specialist in my field and continue learning as I move forward. My psychology and social work studies are laying down the groundwork for the career I'm ready to pursue.

PERSONAL GOALS: Beyond my career aspirations, I also value personal growth and well-being. I strive to maintain good mental and physical health, cultivate self-awareness, and develop empathy. Nurturing supportive relationships and effective communication are important to me, as is establishing healthy boundaries. I'm also interested in contributing to my community, advocating for mental health awareness, and potentially working with a psychologist who interested in the improvement of young adults and marriages. Financial stability, traveling, and spiritual development are also a very important part of my personal goals.


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Chloe Downey


Downey, Chloe

ORGANIZATIONS: Musical Theatre Student Organization, Sokolov Honors College

MAJOR: Musical Theatre

MINOR: Creative Writing and Music

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: I have many professional goals that are fueled by the support of others which I am extremely grateful for. I came to YSU with the hope of improving my acting, singing, dancing, and writing skills. The last three years, now going into my last, have helped me in every one of these aspects. As part of my professional career, I plan on auditioning for opportunities wherever I can with some of my biggest goals of performing in a touring company or in New York. I plan on writing my own musical, plays, short stories, and novels. I would also love to create my own album based upon the wonderful mundane yet magical parts of life, simply being human, and treating those around us with love and compassion. My main professional goal though is to continue doing what I love and spreading the joy of the arts wherever I go!

PERSONAL GOALS: One of my biggest personal goals in life has been to make a difference in the world. I was inspired by my mom who was a teacher. I watched for years her dedication to her students, her art, and to the educational future of the world. I saw how much impact teaching has in changing the world. I’ve now had the honor of teaching, being inspired by a wide variety of students from all backgrounds and learning abilities. I’ve watched them speak in class for the first time, learn to hand sew their own costumes, create their own songs, understand the power of music, and help their fellow students. Teaching is my way to make a difference in this world, by impacting the lives of students. No matter where my professional goals take me in life, inspiring students to keep learning is something I will strive to never stop doing!

NOMINATED BY: Musical Theatre Student Organization

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Rayvin Gorrell


Gorrell, Rayvin

ORGANIZATIONS: Student Government Association, YSUnity, Anthropology Colloquium, Pro-Choice Penguins

MAJOR: Anthropology

MINOR: Women and Gender Studies

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: YSU has taught me to be a leader in many ways and I want to carry that knowledge with me into my career. I plan to work on preserving artifacts and archaeological sites around the world. I would love to be a community liaison for Native American populations as well as work on active excavations. I have been on several projects here and abroad to discover, catalogue, and share findings with communities. We should all be able to learn from our past.

PERSONAL GOALS: I am involved in the Youngstown community and give everything I can to the city that gave everything to me. I plan to stay active in volunteering and mentoring far into the future. My personal goal in life is to be kind and loving; to show compassion to those who need it most. I volunteer with Hospice as a companion as well as foster kittens for a local shelter. I am involved in community LGBTQ groups to help guide people in their journey and I help manage the Penguin Pantry to assist those who are food insecure. Be the good you want to see in the world.

NOMINATED BY: Student Government Association

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Raeghan Hilton


Hilton, Raeghan

ORGANIZATIONS: Sokolov Honors College, Delta Zeta Sorority, The Jambar

MAJOR: Broadcast Journalism

MINOR: Marketing

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: Throughout my time at YSU, I have tried to challenge myself as much as possible. I have been gaining as much experience as I can by getting involved on campus. This has made a huge impact on my professional development. I currently hold the position of executive producer for Jambar TV. I’m taking any opportunity that I can to receive feedback on my work. Moving forward, I hope to find an internship that will help me further develop my skills in journalism or marketing during the Spring 2025 semester. As of now, I also plan on pursuing an MBA in marketing.

PERSONAL GOALS: Not only have I gained professional experiences through YSU, but I have also grown a lot personally. Specifically, through philanthropic work that I have had the chance to be a part of because of my involvement in the Sokolov Honors College and Delta Zeta. I have volunteered locally but also traveled to volunteer for the SeriousFun Children’s Network at Camp Boggy Creek in Florida. I hope to continue to pursue philanthropic work even past my time at YSU.

NOMINATED BY: Delta Zeta Sorority

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Adria Ingram


Ingram, Adria

ORGANIZATIONS: Black Student Union, Women’s Rugby

MAJOR: General Studies

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: My professional goals are to make an impact on individuals throughout the world, promote my businesses, and be able to manage multiple career fields. I want to be an advocate for mental health and sexual assault. In addition, being a mentor for those going through life obstacles and helping them succeed. I currently have a cleaning business that I would like to grow over time and have different companies spread throughout the United States. YouTube is also something I would like to build a positive, entertaining, and insightful platform on. Lastly, I’ve learned that I don’t have to have one career all my life. I am passionate about a lot, so I plan to do a lot at different points of my life. Right now, my main focus is going on my brother's PR team for when he is in the NFL and becoming an intimacy coordinator in California.

PERSONAL GOALS: My personal goals are pretty simple. I just want to become the woman I envision for myself, and that God sees for me as well. Learning to focus myself and giving myself the love I give others are important things that I am trying to incorporate in my life. Another thing is to keep strengthening my communication skills and emotional intelligence. I love to be a safe space for people to let them know that they have someone in their corner all the time when I’m a part of their life. Increasing my skills in those categories will help me to continue connecting with myself and others. Everything ties in with my faith and morals. As long as I keep showing I’m led through Christ then my goals will be reached one way or another.

NOMINATED BY: Women’s Rugby

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Larry Jenson


Jenson, Larry


MAJOR: Mechanical Engineering

MINOR: Mathematics

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: I would love to be a part of NASA or SpaceX whichever pays more.

PERSONAL GOALS: To get as much money as possible.


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Julian Johnson


Johnson, Juilan

ORGANIZATIONS: Black Student Union

MAJOR: Philosophy and Political Science

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: After obtaining my degree, I plan to attend law school to become an attorney.

PERSONAL GOALS: My plan is to accomplish my goals and also give back and help those in need to not just my community, but to all people.

NOMINATED BY: Black Student Union

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Melea Johnson


Johnson, Melea

ORGANIZATIONS: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

MAJOR: Social Work

MINOR: Criminal Behavior

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: Upon receiving my bachelor's degree in social work with a minor in criminal behavior upon graduation. I'm returning to school to finish my master's. I'll then submit a particular application to join the Peace Corps abroad. After my time in the Peace corps, I'll be completing my license exam in Ohio. My ultimate objective is to work in the south as a juvenile detention counselor.

PERSONAL GOALS: My main objective in life is to be successful and persistent. One must work hard and have a strong sense of dedication in order to succeed in any area of life. Chances will present themselves, but you have to choose your route to achievement. You must overcome obstacles in order to succeed. It would be beneficial if you overcame the challenges with courage and never gave up. You will have wasted all of your efforts if you give up. I was told in 2021 that I had an incurable, rare kidney disease. I persisted because I knew that persistence was essential. I didn't give up. You have to persevere in order to succeed. The words "Everybody go through something, it's all about persevering" are spoken by one of my favorite rappers Polo G.

NOMINATED BY: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

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Donovan Leininger


Leininger, Donovan

ORGANIZATIONS: YSU Marching Pride, Future Physical Therapist Club, Intramural Sports

MAJOR: Exercise Science

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: As a professional, I would like to graduate with my bachelor's in exercise science and then go on to graduate with my Doctor of Physical Therapy.

PERSONAL GOALS: Personally, my goal is to get through all my schooling and get a job as a traveling physical therapist shortly after graduation. I would like to travel to at least somewhere in every continent as well as visit all 50 states.

NOMINATED BY: Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association

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Bella Maglis


Maglis, Isabella

ORGANIZATIONS: YSU Marching Pride, Sokolov Honors College, Alpha Lambda Delta

MAJOR: Political Science

MINOR: Psychology

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: As for my personal goals I want to graduate with my bachelor’s in political science. Then I plan to attend Law School at Akron School of Law and obtain a law degree. Then work as a corporate attorney.

PERSONAL GOALS: As for my personal goals, I want to finish all of my schooling and become a corporate attorney in the future. I also want to enjoy all the little moments in my life and spend all the time I can with the people I love, doing what I love.

NOMINATED BY: Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association

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Steven Mahr


Mahr, Steven

ORGANIZATIONS: Theta Chi Fraternity, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, Greek Campus Life

MAJOR: Criminal Justice

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: My professional goals include enhancing leadership skills through active chapter involvement, networking with alumni and industry professionals, and pursuing internships for real-world experience. I aim to excel academically and earn relevant certifications, while balancing responsibilities with effective time management. Building a strong personal brand and developing a solid career plan will help me achieve meaningful milestones and contribute positively to both my fraternity and future career.

PERSONAL GOALS: One of my biggest personal goals is giving back to the community and just helping people who are in need. Another big goal I want to work towards this year is to get myself career ready to enter the working world.

NOMINATED BY: Theta Chi Fraternity

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Alysa Oswald


Oswald, Alysa

ORGANIZATIONS: Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, Student Government Association, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society Greek Honor Society, Sokolov Honors College, WCBA Business Leaders, WCBA Student Leadership Council, Italian Club

MAJOR: Financial Management

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: After graduating from YSU with my bachelor’s in financial management this coming spring, I plan to attend law school in fall 2025. My long-term goal is to specialize in tax law, securities litigation, & SEC enforcement. To build on my experience, I will continue my internship at Johnson & Johson Law Firm in Canfield, Ohio.

PERSONAL GOALS: I would like to submit all my application materials for law school by the beginning of October. Obtaining a Juris Doctor has always been my main aspiration. Through my work in Zeta Tau Alpha and the Student Government Association, I feel well-equipped and excited for the challenge! I would also like to beat Carter in a pickleball match.

NOMINATED BY: Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority

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Gabbrial Perrotta


Perrotta, Gabbrial

ORGANIZATIONS: Honors Trustees, Sokolov Honors College, Students for Sight

MAJOR: Biology

MINOR: Chemistry

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: Upon completing my bachelor’s degree, I plan to obtain my master’s in public health, enriching my experiences and understanding of the healthcare systems. Subsequently, I plan to advance my education by attending medical school.

PERSONAL GOALS: My main personal goal is being committed to sustaining my academic excellence by staying engaged with challenging coursework, seeking out enriching opportunities, and contributing actively to scholarly discussions. Beyond academics, I strive to be a source of inspiration and support for those around me, using my skills and enthusiasm to uplift and encourage peers and mentors. Ultimately, I aim to leave a meaningful mark that extends both within the academic sphere and in the everyday interactions I have with others.

NOMINATED BY: Honors Trustees

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Caitlyn Sapp


Sapp, Caitlyn

ORGANIZATIONS: Honors Trustees, Sokolov Honors College

MAJOR: Exercise Science and Psychology

MINOR: Chemistry

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: Upon completing my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and Psychology, I plan to obtain my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. I will refine my clinical skills and develop evidence-based treatment strategies to aid individuals in recovering from injury, managing chronic conditions, and improving their overall quality of life.

PERSONAL GOALS: My personal goal is to create a meaningful impact in the world by leading with kindness, empathy, and compassion. I believe that even small acts of kindness can have an effect. I am motivated by the desire to uplift those around me, whether through offering encouragement, lending a helping hand, or simply being a good listener. I strive to approach each day with an open heart and a genuine intention to make the world a better place. By prioritizing kindness in my personal and professional interactions, I hope to inspire others to do the same, contributing to a world where empathy, understanding, and respect are at the forefront of human connections.

NOMINATED BY: Honors Trustees

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Michael Sheely


Sheely, Michael

ORGANIZATIONS: Dana Vocal Society

MAJOR: Vocal Performance with Emphasis is Music Recording

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: My professional goals are to be a good singer, a good audio engineer, and to broadening my musical horizon.

PERSONAL GOALS: My personal goals are to be a kind person, show people kindness and empathy, along being a role model for people.

NOMINATED BY: Dana Vocal Society

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Justine Snowden


Snowden, Justine


MAJOR: Vocal Music Education

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: With my degree, I hope to create a welcoming and healthy classroom. Through music I want to teach children about self-acceptance and acceptance of the people around them.

PERSONAL GOALS: I hope to share the importance of music to others and continue performing after college.


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Katherine Wiggins


Wiggins, Katherine

ORGANIZATIONS: Delta Zeta Sorority, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society Executive Officer, Hospitality Management Society

MAJOR: Hospitality Management

MINOR: Marketing

PROFESSIONAL GOALS: As a senior at YSU I am set to graduate in the spring with my degree in Hospitality Management and continue a career in this field. My dream is to one day go into the amusement park industry and manage ride operations. This summer I had the role of a supervisor at PNC Park for the Suites Department through Aramark. The hospitality industry is a field that I am very passionate about, and I look for any and all ways that I can delivery customer satisfaction and continue to strengthen communities.

PERSONAL GOALS: My personal goals are to be a leading example in any group or situation that I am in. I take pride in the leadership skills that I've gained through my sorority and other organizations here at YSU. I strive to live a successful lifestyle with a family to support and watch grow along over the years. The feeling of accomplishment and family are huge parts of life that I not only want to create for myself but also for my husband and kids.

NOMINATED BY: Delta Zeta Sorority

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