Dana School of Music announces four recitals in three days

The Dana School of Music presents four recitals in three days, the YSU Flute Ensemble and the YSU Percussion Ensemble on Tuesday, Nov. 7, the Dana Guitar Ensemble on Wednesday, Nov. 8 and the Saxophone Studio on Thursday, Nov. 9.
All programs are free and open to the public.
The YSU Flute Ensemble, directed by Kathryn Thomas Umble, kicks things off at 6 p.m. Tuesday in Bliss Recital Hall, immediately followed by the YSU Percussion Ensemble, directed by Glenn Schaft, at 7:30 p.m. in Spotlight Theater.
“It’s infrequent for two ensembles to perform in one night,” said Randall Goldberg, director of the Dana School of Music. “It’s a treat for our patrons to be able to attend both recitals if they wish, featuring very different music.”
Students in the Flute Ensemble include Nadya Stratton, Veronica Erjavec, Emily Karr, Anna Reitsma, Lindsey Kiselica, Amber DeCaprio, Morgan Frederick and Olivia Benna.
Percussion Ensemble students are Edward Butcher, Salem, Ohio; Zachary Criss, Warren, Ohio; Spencer Crosser, Lisbon, Ohio; Joel Gillespie, East Liverpool, Ohio; Brandon Maffitt, Warren, Ohio; Evan McCreary, Poland, Ohio; James Reardon, East Liverpool, Ohio; Tracy Rusk, Brookfield, Ohio; Tommy Starr, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Anthony Tresky, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Nathan Weingart, Canfield, Ohio; and Brett Whitely, Orwell, Ohio.
On Wednesday, The Dana Guitar Ensemble, directed by Francois Fowler, begins at 7:30 p.m. in Bliss Recital Hall.
Students in the Dana Guitar Ensemble include Jazz Guitar Duo, Dan Mihelarakis and Nicholas Frank; Dana Classical Guitar Quartet, Angela N Buzzacco, Isaac Hraga, Gina Love and Shaun McCune; Jazz Guitar Duo, Andy Pickard and Tyler Guerrieri; and Andrew Farley, jazz guitar.
The Saxophone Studio, directed by James Umble, concludes the series at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 323 Wick Ave., Youngstown, OH.
Students in the Saxophone Studio are Christie Hrdlicka, soprano saxophone; Anthony Bonamase, alto saxophone; Matthew Eustace, tenor saxophone; Jake Jeges, baritone saxophone; Mark Reinke, alto saxophone; Colt Hutchinson, alto saxophone; Courtney Larkin, alto saxophone; Sam Gregory, alto saxophone; Jimmy O’Donnell, alto saxophone; Elliot Kwolek, clarinet; Daniel Slencsak, alto saxophone; Kathleen Brown, alto saxophone; Alex Miller, alto saxophone; Santino Almasy, alto saxophone; Stephanie Pavlovich, alto saxophone; Jake Jeges, alto saxophone; and Max Klauscher, alto saxophone.
Free parking is available in the adjacent church parking lot.
More information is available by calling the Office of Community Engagement and Events at 330-941-2307.