Disc golf course to open at Wick Park

Youngstown State University Campus Rec, along with CityScape and the city of Youngstown, celebrate the opening of the new disc golf course at Wick Park during a launch party 11:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 20, at the park.
The new, nine-hole course, which stretches the perimeter of the park, is an outgrowth of the new outdoor fitness stations that were installed in the park in the spring. The project began out of the success of the new fitness equipment that was dedicated at Wick Park in 2016.
With the opening of the new course, Campus Rec is offering disc golf clinics for the novice to the experienced player. Clinics are offered every semester and are free to the YSU community.
Campus Rec has also purchased sets of discs available for checkout in the Adventure Rec Resource Center at the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center on campus. Campus Rec also hopes to start an intramural disc league in spring 2018.
For more information, contact Joy Polkabla Byers, director of Campus Rec at jlbyers@ysu.edu or 330-941-2242.