American Legion creates ROTC scholarship endowment

American Legion Post 737, based in Lake Milton, Ohio, concluded a year of fundraising with the presentation of a $10,000 check to the Youngstown State University Foundation to create a legacy ROTC scholarship endowment at YSU.
The post set a $10,000 goal last summer and conducted a succession of fundraising projects to meet its goal. Ed Villone, 1st vice-commander, said Post 737 members and members of the post’s women’s auxiliary worked as ushers at the 2016 Penguin Football home games to raise a portion of the scholarship funds.
By creating an endowment, Villone said, the post will be investing its principal through the YSU Foundation to ensure that its scholarship will be awarded annually for many years to come. The first scholarship will be presented at an ROTC breakfast on campus in April 2018.
Members of the Post 737 Board of Directors that established the scholarship include: Robert Hughes, Commander; Villone; Anthony Viano, 2nd Vice Commander; William Cameron, Adjutant; Joseph Leonard, Finance Officer; and James Boehmer, Past Commander.
To qualify for the Lake Milton American Legion Post 737 ROTC Scholarship, applicants must be YSU sophomores or higher in class standing and enrolled in the ROTC program, with at least a 2.7 GPA. Preference will be given to Jackson Milton and Western Reserve High School graduates.
For more information, contact the YSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.