YSU SBDC holds social media training series

The Ohio Small Business Development Center Export Assistance Network at Youngstown State University with Mahoning Valley is for Entrepreneurs and Pole Position Marketing will present an interactive three-part social media training series for businesses in Northeast Ohio 8:30 a.m. – noon Aug. 18, Aug. 25 and Sept. 15 in the Williamson College of Business Administration.
The new series will provide a better understanding of digital marketing for businesses of all sizes. Each course focuses on a different aspect of social marketing that business owners and managers can use to engage their audience and grow their business.
Registration is required for each session. Parking and breakfast are included with the registration. If attending all 3 sessions, email ohiosbdc@ysu.edu for a $5 discount code prior to registering. For questions email ohiosbdc@ysu.edu or call 330-941-2140.
5 Steps to Create a Foolproof Social Media Strategy – Friday, Aug. 18. Participants will learn how to define target audiences and where to find them on social media, how to determine business goals, how to analyze competitors’ social activity and how to create a tactical social media plan with measurable actions and outcomes. REGISTER
Take Facebook Marketing to the Next Level with Paid Advertising – Friday, Aug. 25. Attendees will discover why businesses should be using Facebook ads (beyond Boost), what ad targeting options are available and how to use them and which Facebook ad types are the most effective and how to take advantage of them. REGISTER
The Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Creating an Epic Blog – Friday, Sept. 15. Those in attendance will discover what a blog can do for businesses, how to set blogs up for search engine success, necessary tools of the trade, tricks to keep article idea pipelines full and headline-writing techniques and other tactics. REGISTER