YSU Board of Trustees sets meeting schedule

The Youngstown State University Board of Trustees meets on the following schedule in Tod Hall on campus:
Wednesday, Nov. 30
7:45 a.m. Breakfast available in Manchester Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
8:30 a.m. Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
10 a.m. University Affairs Committee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
11:30 a.m. Institutional Engagement Committee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
Noon. Board Lunch, Leaders’ Conference Room Second floor, Tod Hall.
1 p.m. Investment Subcommittee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
1:30 p.m. Audit Subcommittee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room First floor, Tod Hall
2 p.m. Finance and Facilities Committee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
3:30 p.m. Governance Committee, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
4 p.m. Executive Committee, Manchester Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
6 p.m. Dinner, President’s Suites, Kilcawley Center.
Thursday, Dec. 1
9 a.m. University Affairs Committee (executive session), Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
10:30 a.m. Building tour (Cushwa Hall).
Noon. Lunch, Manchester Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
1 p.m. Executive Committee (Tentative), Manchester Room, First floor, Tod Hall.
2 p.m. Board Meeting, Board of Trustees Meeting Room, First floor, Tod Hall.