YSU Board of Trustees meets this week

The Youngstown State University Board of Trustees holds its quarterly meetings in the Trustees Meeting Room, Tod Hall, on the YSU campus:
Wednesday, March 14
8:30 a.m. Academic and Student Affairs Committee
10 a.m. University Affairs Committee
11 a.m. Institutional Engagement Committee
11:30 a.m. Investment Subcommittee
Noon Board Lunch, Leaders’ Conference Room. Second floor, Tod Hall
1 p.m. Audit Subcommittee
2 p.m. Finance and Facilities Committee
3:30 p.m. Governance Committee
5:30 p.m. Executive Committee and Board Dinner, Pollock House, 603 Wick Ave.
Thursday, March 15
10 a.m. Board Meeting.
11 a.m. Higher Learning Commission prep luncheon, Leaders’ Conference Room, Second Floor, Tod Hall.