This Week at YSU, Feb. 6, 2017

Monday, Feb. 6, 5 to 8 p.m. Opening reception for a new art exhibit highlighting African American History Month, featuring the artwork of visual artist Tim Portlock. The exhibit is Solomon Gallery, Bliss Hall. Portlock was born in Chicago, which inspired his lifelong interest in the dialogue between place and the formation of identity. His current body of work is created using 3D gaming technology to simulate real world and imagined spaces based on the abandoned and foreclosed buildings in biking distance of his home in Philadelphia.
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 4 p.m. The YSU Board of Trustees’ University Affairs Committee meets in the Pollock House on Wick Avenue.
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Williamson College of Business Administration hosts the semi-annual WCBA Meet the Employers Day in the atrium of Williamson Hall on the YSU campus. Meet the Employer Day brings students and employers together to discuss internships, co-ops and full-time positions. The event is free. Companies interested in attending should call 330-941-3660.
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 12:15. The Dana School of Music presents a free Music at Noon concert featuring the String Studio at the Butler Institute of American Art.
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 7 p.m. Charles McCollester of the Battle of Homestead Foundation presents “Manual and Intellectual Labor in a Blue-Green America” in Room B112 of Cushwa Hall on the YSU campus as part of the Lecture Series on Energy and the Environment. Free.
Thursday, Feb. 9, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. A program titled “Sisters In Law” will be presented in the President’s Suite in Kilcawley Center on the YSU campus as part of African American History Month. A panel of successful black female attorneys will share their experiences in the legal field. Featuring Juvenile Court Magistrate Carla Baldwin from Youngstown and Baker Bott’s Partner Christa Brown-Sanford from Dallas. Contact Tiffany M. B. Anderson, 214-283-4719.
Friday, Feb. 10. The Honors College at YSU hosts an open house. The annual event gives prospective high school students and their parents a chance to learn about the Honors student experience and tour the Honors residence hall, apartment building and student center on campus, as well as interact with current Honors students, staff, professors and parents. More at
Saturday, Feb. 11, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. YSU’s Lariccia School of Accounting and Finance is providing trained business students and professional volunteers to offer the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. VITA offers income tax preparation and e-filing at no charge to local residents and hands-on experience to skilled business students. The program is offered in computer labs on the first floor of Williamson Hall at YSU through April 8. Williamson Hall is located on 221 North Hazel Street between Rayen Avenue and Wood Street. Call 330-941-3084.
Sunday, Feb. 12, 4 p.m. The Dana School of Music’s Chamber Orchestra performs a free concert in St. John’s Episcopal Church, 323 Wick Avenue, Youngstown.
Sunday, Feb. 12, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Black/Jewish Book & Dialogue Club will be held at the Jewish Community Center, 505 Gypsy Lane, Youngstown, as part of African American History Month. The event includes an inter-cultural, inter-faith discussion of Rebecca Walker’s Black, White & Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self. In the book, Walker attempts to define herself as a soul instead of a symbol created by her parents, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Alice Walker and attorney Mel Leventhal. Contact Tiffany M. B. Anderson, 214-283-4719.
Monday, Feb. 13, 6 p.m. Screening of the film 13th, James Gallery, Kilcawley Center. Ava DuVernay’s film 13th that exposes the rapid increase of black male incarceration. The film is followed by a panel discussion led by student organizations Sisters with a Vision and the NAACP.