Students represent YSU at sports medicine conference

Youngstown State University junior Emily Erb of Canfield presented her comparative research on the eating and lifestyle habits of college students at the American College of Sports Medicine Midwest Chapter Annual Meeting in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Erb was the first student in more than a decade to represent the university as a presenter at the ACSM Midwest district meeting, said Nicole Mullins, YSU professor of Exercise Science who also attended and served as a judge at the event.
A double major in Psychology and Exercise Science, Erb compared the dietary, physical activity and lifestyle habits of college students studying Exercise Science to those in other majors. Her data, based on surveys of 324 students, suggests that those majoring in Exercise Science are closer to meeting national health guidelines, on average, than those in other majors.
Seven other students also represented YSU at the annual ACSM district meeting Nov. 3 to 5. They are: Adam Hammond of Campbell; Erica Kerr of Lowellville; Levis Chongolola of Sharon, Pa.; Maggie Glaros of Youngstown; Robert John Moyer of Poland; Rachel Pinti and Tiffany Menci, both of Warren.
“We had an impressive group – five sophomores, two juniors and one freshman – and they participated fully,” Mullins said. “They were all ‘a-chatter’ when they came back to class on Monday, talking about the cool presentations they saw, connections they made and the fun they had.”
Besides working with Erb on her research and presentation, Mullins served as a judge of oral and poster presentations and worked with the board of directors to review, evaluate and assign awards for more than 250 undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students offering oral and poster presentations.
Caption: Levis Chongolola, Emily Erb, Tiffany Menci, Erica Kerr, Robert Moyer, Rachel Pinti, Adam Hammond, Maggie Glaros and Nicole Mullins.