Students "Pay It Forward" to Flying High Inc.

Youngstown State University students in the Student Nonprofit Leadership Organization gained hands-on experience in philanthropy this spring through the Pay It Forward: Student Philanthropy InitiativeYoungstown State University students in the Student Nonprofit Leadership Organization gained hands-on experience in philanthropy this spring through the Pay It Forward: Student Philanthropy Initiative by awarding $3,000 in funding to the GROW Urban Farm at Flying High Inc.

The GROW Urban Farm supports locally and naturally growing vegetables using organic methods and then selling them across the Mahoning Valley to create improved food access. Those that work the farm are part of the Flying High workforce development program, who are returning citizens and/or recovering from past addictions. The money will primarily be spent on construction for a new greenhouse and a chicken coop.

The Pay It Forward Initiative helps students learn how to be engaged citizens and to understand the important role philanthropy plays in the health of our local communities. The initiative addresses critical economic needs in the Mahoning Valley while providing an opportunity for students to experience the grant process of soliciting, reviewing, interviewing, and awarding funding.

“Through a democratic process, the students reviewed applications from nearly 25 local nonprofit organizations that met specific guidelines related to arts and humanities, food insecurity, human trafficking and youth education,” says Laura Dewberry, director of the YSU Center for Nonprofit Leadership. “The students then subjected each application through a rigorous vetting process, and then chose one well-deserving organization to receive their available funding this year.”

The initiative began with seed money from Ohio Campus Compact in 2010, and the students have sustained it through their own fundraising since. In total, participating students have awarded nearly $45,000 to local nonprofit organizations.

The Center for Nonprofit Leadership offers a certificate and a minor in Nonprofit Leadership, which can be combined with any major at YSU.

For more information on the Pay It Forward Initiative, Student Nonprofit Leadership Organization or YSU’S Center for Nonprofit Leadership, contact Dewberry at 330-941-1870 or