McDonough "GOTTA HAVE IT!" exhibit/auction opens Sept. 18

In celebration of its 25th birthday, the McDonough Museum of Art at Youngstown Sate University presents a retrospective exhibition and auction featuring more than 100 works by artists from New York, Los Angeles, Cuba and beyond. The exhibit and auction, titled “GOTTA HAVE IT!”, opens Sept. 18 and concludes Nov. 6 with a benefit auction of the artwork, all of which was previously exhibited in the Museum’s galleries and have been donated for auction. The Nov. 6 event opens at 6 p.m. with tapas and a cash bar, with the live auction starting at 7 p.m. officiated by Jeff Byce, auctioneer. Proceeds will go to the John J. McDonough Trust established by McDonough, a well-known collector and philanthropist. The complete list of art works can be previewed by visiting the museum 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. The works also can be viewed on the museum’s website at or on the museum’s Facebook page. For more information, call 330-941-1400.
The John J McDonough Museum of Art, founded in 1991, was designed by internationally known architects Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, working with the then local firm Ricciuti, Buchanan and Balog. The Museum features changing exhibitions, installations, performances and lectures by regional, national and international artists. It also functions as public outreach for the College of Creative Arts and Communication and the Department of Art, exhibiting work by students, faculty and alumni. In addition, the Museum offers free lectures, performances and programs organized in collaboration with various departments on campus and the community at large. McDonough, a Youngstown physician, was an internationally renowned art collector. He offered the proceeds of the sale of his painting “Gloucester Harbor” by Childe Hassam to help fund construction of a new building on the YSU campus. Construction of the museum began in the fall 1990 and the building was dedicated on Oct. 26, 1991.