Human Resources Shadow Day Oct. 21 in Williamson Hall

Youngstown State University’s Human Resources Shadow Day, which allows students to work with business professionals for a day, is Friday, Oct. 21.
The event starts with a kick-off program with breakfast at 8 a.m. in the Williamson College of Business Administration Conference Center in Williamson Hall.
The goal of the event is to help develop well-trained and motivated business managers and future leaders for the wide variety of human resources management career opportunities available in today’s highly competitive and rapidly changing business world. Students will partner with practicing business professionals from throughout the region in the discipline of HRM.
Business professionals volunteer to act as “Mentors-for-a-Day”. Business students will shadow the executives from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For more information about participating in “Human Resource Shadow Day,” contact Rebecca Badawy in the Department of Management at 330-941-3219, or Kimberly Pleva at 330-941-1891.