3D bio-printer among highlights of STEM Showcase April 21

The Youngstown State University College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics shows off its high-tech labs and some of its best students at the STEM Showcase 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 21, on the YSU campus.
In addition, $1,000 in scholarship money will be given away to prospective YSU STEM students who attend the event and complete a survey.
The free event has become particularly popular among high school students and their parents who want to learn more about YSU and STEM College education and careers. Guests are encouraged to register in advance. To register and for more information, visit www.stemshowcase.ysustem.com.
More than 60 student projects will be on display. Among them are multiple senior design projects showcasing research partnerships with area companies where students worked with industries to develop new products and procedures to benefit the company. Another team will talk about its research in bio-printing, exploring the possibility of combining 3D printing and stem cells to create usable muscle tissue (the bio-printer itself will also be on display). First-year engineering students will showcase their projects which have competed for a chance to become a permanent display at the Oh WOW Children’s Science Center in downtown Youngstown.
Annual favorites, such as the Chem-E Car, Baja Car, Steel Bridge, and Concrete Canoe, will also be on display.