Dr. Nathan Myers (Associate Provost- International & Global Initiatives)
By Appointment, please email: nrmyers@ysu.edu
Ms. Carly Devenburgh (Immigration & Student Services)
Mondays and Tuesdays 1:00pm-3:00 pm EST
Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:00 am-12:00pm EST
Webex Room: https://ysu.webex.com/meet/csdevenburgh
Ms. Kelsey Jones (Programming & Student Services)
Mondays 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
Wednesdays 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
Webex Room: https://ysu.webex.com/meet/ktjones02
Ms. Kathy Cody (International Graduate Admissions & UG Credit Transfer Process)
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Webex Room: https://ysu.webex.com/meet/kjcody
Ms. Ann Gardner (Study Abroad)
By Appointment, please email: amgardner01@ysu.edu
Study Abroad Information Sessions
Fridays 12:00pm
Webex Room: https://ysu.webex.com/meet/amgardner01
Dr. Shuiping Jiang (International Recruitment and Admissions)
By Appointment, please email: sjiang@ysu.edu