Processing your application may take up to two months, including time needed for mail delivery. Please be aware that your application is not considered complete, and will not be given full consideration, until all required documents and forms have been received by the International Admissions office at YSU. You will receive some correspondence from YSU to alert you of problems, but it is up to you to make sure your documents are complete and up-to-date. You may write or E-mail ( YSU's International Undergraduate Admissions Office at any time to determine the status of your application. We strongly recommend that you utilize the available Express Mailing option when receiving documents related to your application to YSU.
You can expect the following correspondence:
- "acknowledgement" letter soon after your application is received.
- "notice of missing items" this will be done during and preliminary application review and you will be informed immediately.
- "notice of admission" letter and visa eligibility certificate – if review is favorable.