Youngstown State University is committed to providing the most accurate and truthful information to students, prospective students, the public, accrediting organizations and any other government or non-government entity regarding:
- The nature of educational programs, 34 C.F.R. Section 668.72;
- The nature of financial charges, 34 C.F.R. Section 668.73;
- The employability of graduates, 34 C.F.R. Section 668.74;
The following are used to define misrepresentation, substantial misrepresentation and prospective student.
Misrepresentation: Misrepresentation: Any false, erroneous or misleading statement an eligible institution, one of its representatives, or any ineligible institution, organization, or person with whom the eligible institution has an agreement to provide educational programs, or to provide marketing, advertising, recruiting or admissions services makes directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student or any member of the public, or to an accrediting agency, to a State agency, or to the Secretary. A misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive. A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally, or through other means. Misrepresentation includes the dissemination of a student endorsement or testimonial that a student gives either under duress or because the institution required the student to make such an endorsement or testimonial to participate in a program.
Substantial misrepresentation: Any misrepresentation on which the person to whom it was made could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person's detriment.
Prospective student: Any individual who has contacted an eligible institution for the purpose of requesting information about enrolling at the institution or who has been contacted directly by the institution or indirectly through advertising about enrolling at the institution.
The University is committed to complying with the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Sections 668.71-75.
Reporting Concerns: Any person who wishes to report potential violations of this section, can do so by contacting Gary Swegan at 330.941.1425.