- Announcement
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in hardships and unexpected financial challenges for the YSU community. Across campus, YSU employees have stepped up to help the University through the operational and financial challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the ACE and APAS memberships overwhelming agreed to the implementation of twenty-six (26) furlough days for the fiscal year 2021 (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021). In order to achieve similar spending reductions, a plan for furlough days for excluded classified employees will be modeled after the ACE and APAS plans.
Twenty-one (21) of these furlough days are assigned based on University needs. A schedule of these days and information regarding furlough days can be accessed on the Human Resources website. When necessary managers/supervisors can modify the furlough schedule in order to meet the operational needs of the University. Employees will request the use of the remaining five (5) furlough days subject to prior approval of the University.
Please read the following information on how furlough days will affect employees:
To account for the twenty-six furlough days, employees' hourly pay rates/salaries will be reduced by 10%.
For ACE employees the new hourly pay rate will begin on Sunday, July 5, 2020 and continue through the pay period ending on Saturday, July 3, 2021.
For APAS employees the new salary will begin on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 and continue through the pay period ending on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.
Leave time cannot be substituted for a furlough day.
If an ACE bargaining unit employee works more than their scheduled hours during a week that includes a furlough day, the employee will be paid overtime at their furlough rate. For example, if an employee is scheduled to work 32 hours during a week with a furlough day and is called into work on their furlough day, they will be paid overtime for the time worked in excess of 32 hours.
The five (5) furlough days which are at the employee’s discretion, but subject to University approval, must be used prior to the end of FY 2021 (June 30, 2021). After June 30, 2021 these days are no longer available. Employees cannot receive a payout for or bank any unused days.
Employees will continue to receive healthcare at the amount and terms specified in their respective CBA during furlough days.
Seniority will continue.
If you separate and/or retire from the University while furlough days are in effect, vacation and sick leave conversions will be paid at the furlough pay rate.
If the salary reductions for excluded professional/administrative staff return to their previous levels during the implementation of furlough days (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021), furlough days will cease and you will be returned to the hourly pay rate/salary prospectively effective on the date that the excluded professional/administrative staff were returned to their previous levels of salary.
Youngstown State University is facing many operational and financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the hard work and commitment of our ACE and APAS employees we remain Y and PROUD.
Cynthia A. Kravitz
AVP of Human Resources, CHRO
- Furlough Schedule
Furlough Schedule for ACE, APAS, & Excluded Classified Employees
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
21 Scheduled Furlough Days*
1- Monday, July 6 (July 4 falls on a Saturday and is observed on Friday, July 3 – YSU is closed)
2- Friday, July 17
3- Friday, July 24
4- Friday July 31
5- Friday, August 7
6- Friday, September 4 (Monday, September 7 is Labor Day – YSU is closed)
7- Monday, October 12 (Student Fall Break is October 12 & 13, October 12 is Columbus Day which is not observed on this day)
8- Wednesday, November 25 (Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 26 - YSU is closed and Columbus Day is observed on Friday, November 27-YSU is closed)
9, 10, 11- Monday, December 21; Tuesday December 22; Wednesday, December 23 (Thursday, December 24 President’s Day is observed-YSU is closed; Friday, December 25 Christmas-YSU is closed)
12, 13, 14, 15- Monday, December 28; Tuesday December 29; Wednesday December 30; Thursday, December 31 (Friday, January 1, 2021 New Year’s Day-YSU is closed)
16- Monday, February 15 (Washington’s Birthday)
17- Friday, April 2 (Good Friday)
18- Friday, May 28 (Memorial Day is Monday, May 31-YSU is closed)
19- Friday, June 11
20- Friday, June 18
21- Friday, June 25
* Managers have the authority to modify the furlough schedule based on University needs.
5 Furlough Days not pre-scheduled
22, 23, 24, 25, 26 - (used by employees with Manager approval; employees cannot be paid for unused furlough days or bank a furlough day.)
- Frequently Asked Questions
1. When do furlough days begin?
- Furlough days for semi-monthly employees begin 7/1/2020 (APAS)
- Furlough days for bi-weekly employees begin 7/5/2020 (ACE & Excluded Classified employees)
2. How many furlough days are employees required to take in FY 20-21?
- 26 total furlough days will be taken in FY 20-21
- 21 furlough days are scheduled by the University
- 5 furlough days will be selected by the employee with supervisor approval
3. What is the University schedule for furlough days?
- The University schedule is as follows:
- 2020 (15 days)
- Monday, July 6, 2020
- Friday, July 17, 2020
- Friday, July 24, 2020
- Friday, July 31, 2020
- Friday, August 7, 2020
- Friday, September 4, 2020
- Monday, October 12, 2020
- Wednesday, November 25, 2020
- Monday, December 21, 2020
- Tuesday, December 22, 2020
- Wednesday, December 23, 2020
- Monday, December 28, 2020
- Tuesday, December 29, 2020
- Wednesday, December 30, 2020
- Thursday, December 31, 2020
- 2021 (6 days)
- Monday, February 15, 2021
- Friday, April 2, 2021
- Friday, May 28, 2021
- Friday, June 11, 2021
- Friday, June 18, 2021
- Friday, June 25, 2021
- 2020-2021 (5 days)
- Additional days to be scheduled by employee and approved by the supervisor
- 2020 (15 days)
4. How do I mark my time sheet when I take a furlough day?
- Use the furlough code designated on your time sheet and enter the number of hours you typically work (i.e. 8 hours, 4 hours).
- Furlough days cannot be taken in hourly increments; whole days only.
5. How do I mark my leave report when I take a furlough day?
- Use the furlough code designated on your time sheet and enter the number of hours you typically work (i.e. 8 hours, 4 hours).
- Furlough days cannot be taken in hourly increments; whole days only.
6. Can I bank or get paid for the 5 requested furlough days if I don't use them?
- No, these days must be used prior to the end of the fiscal year 2021 (June 30, 2021). After June 30, 2021, the days will no longer be available for use.
7. As a Manager/Supervisor, can I modify the University scheduled furlough day(s)?
- Yes, managers/supervisors can adjust the furlough days due to department operational needs. Please ensure that you replace a furlough day if the employee cannot take a University scheduled day.
- Review the University scheduled furlough days and determine what days will need to be adjusted in order to develop a plan for your college/department. Discuss the plan with your Administrative/Executive Officers' and then send the modified furlough schedules to hr@ysu.edu.
- Contact HR to schedule a meeting if you need help developing a plan.
8. I'm a Professional Administrative excluded employee and the rest of my office consists of ACE and APAS employees. Do I need to work on scheduled furlough days?
- Yes, excluded employees will work regularly scheduled hours on designated ACE and APAS furlough days.
- However, furlough dates also apply to excluded classified employees.
9. Are Professional/Administrative excluded employees permitted to take vacation days on furlough days?
- Yes, P/A excluded employees are still required to work on furlough days, therefore they can take vacation leave. Vacation or sick leave cannot be substituted for employees who will be required to take furlough days.
10. Can furlough days be taken in hourly increments?
- No, furlough days must be taken in full days and cannot be taken in hourly increments.
11. What do I do if I have a part-time employee whose schedule doesn't require them to work on a scheduled furlough day?
- Determine which furlough days the employee will not be scheduled to work on and decide what days you can adjust to allow them to take as furlough days. Part-time employees would enter the number of hours that they typically work on their timesheet/leave report for furlough days.
12. If the University is in a better financial situation before June 2021, will furlough days be discontinued?
- If the salary reductions for excluded Professional Administrative staff are returned to their previous level during the fiscal year, furlough days will cease and all bargaining unit employees salaries will be returned to their previous hourly rates prospectively effective on the date that excluded Professional Administrative staff were returned to their previous levels of salary.
13. If I submit a plan to modify the scheduled furlough days, can it be adjusted if the needs of the department change?
- Approval is not required by HR for furlough schedule changes. As you have discussed the changes with the appropriate Administrative and/or Executive Officers’, you can alter the days to meet the needs in your area. As you make changes to the furlough schedule, please send them to HR@ysu.edu for tracking purposes.
14. If an employee is on a Lack of Work layoff, returning in August, 2020, how are furlough days handled?
- Those employees would begin to take the furlough days scheduled in August and those following. They would not have to make up any furlough days prior to their return to work.
15. Will HR share what other departments have submitted to adjust their furlough schedules?
- No, each area should come up with a plan to adjust furlough days based on operational needs. Please contact HR if you need assistance developing a plan for your area.
16. If I have 3 employees that are required to attend a scheduled event/activity/program, can I modify their schedules only to another furlough day?
- Yes, you can alter furlough days as you see necessary based on the operational needs of your area.
17. My employee only works 10 months out of the year, will they have to make up days that they missed in the summer?
- No, their appointment would be based on the 10 months so if they are not scheduled to work, they would not have to take those furlough days. For example, if the employee works August to May, they would not have to take furlough days during June or July.
18. If an employee separates from the University during the year, will there be an adjustment to account for days used/not used?
- No, adjustments would not be made to the employee’s salary/hourly rate upon separation of employment.
19. If there are services that will not be available during furlough days, how will this be communicated? Can offices be shut down?
- There is no plan to shutdown the University or campus offices’ during furlough days.
20. Can employees take vacation days during a week that there is a furlough day?
- Yes, they can use vacation during that week. However, they cannot use vacation on a furlough day.
21. Does HR need to be notified of the 5 furlough days chosen by each employee?
- No, HR does not need to be notified.
22. Is there a deadline to submit modifications to the furlough schedule to HR?
- No, you can submit changes throughout the year or as situations change.
24. What is the best way for managers to keep track of their employees' furlough days taken throughout the next 12 months?
- Furlough days will be entered on an employee’s timesheet/leave report so you are able to track days using Banner Self Service.
25. What happens if an hourly employee is called to work on a furlough day?
- If an hourly employee is scheduled to work 32 hours during a week with a furlough day and is called into work on their furlough day, they will be paid overtime for the time worked in excess of 32 hours.
For further questions, please contact Alisha Greco-Yanniello at aayanniello@ysu.edu.
- Manager Training
If you are unable to attend any of the Managing Furlough Days sessions, links to both the PowerPoint presentation and the recorded session are below:
- Apply a Furlough Day to a Leave Report
1. Via Self Service Banner, access the leave report for the pay period in which a furlough day was taken.
2. Locate the earning code of "Furlough" in the list of choices on the left.
3. Locate the date that the furlough day was taken. Click "Enter Hours" and enter your regularly scheduled hours. Then click "Save." Your leave report should be submitted for approval at the end of the pay period per established processes.
- Apply a Furlough Day to a Time Sheet
1. Via Self Service Banner, access the time sheet for the pay period in which a furlough day was taken.
2. Locate the earning code of "Furlough" in the list of choices on the left.
3. Locate the date that the furlough day was taken. Click "Enter Hours" and enter your regularly scheduled hours. Then click "Save." Your time sheet should be submitted for approval at the end of the pay period per established processes.